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Planting plants in pots


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That was my expereince up until recently.

I have had Java fern in my mixed tank with mainly Mbuna but I have not found any broken off since around the second month. I put a crypt in the tang tank and after the 2nd day it hasnt been touched, it was hardly touched in that time either.

I do understand that all of a sudden one fish may decide it does not like green in its tank and all hell will break loose. But so far so good so I am planning on planting a bit heavier afterthe rescape

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you could use small hydroponic pots. The the roots and I assume the runners can grow through the holes in the pots into the substrate. I have done this with my tiger lotus and it works well. The odd time I've had to move the plants I just pulled the pot out and trim the roots outside it and replanted them. It works fine but the pots may be higher than your substrate.

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Those were the pot's that I was talking about, sorry should of mentioned that.

The plats are going to be background plants behind the scape so going over the scape may not matter to much.

I have a few weights so I will try them as well

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If I plant some plants in a pot, and put the pot under the substrate, will the plant send out runners like normal and spread through the substrate like it normaly would or will it be confined into the pot?

The pots I've used, just regular plastic ones with only a few little holes in the bottom they don't seem to. But I find they at least stay put, and this way I've been able to put some good soil under them without tearing apart the whole tank.

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When planting a plant in a pot, what ferts, soil, substrate do people use?

Is there a tryed and tested method?

How do you keep the soil in the pot at the initial submerging point?

I planted a water lilly this summer by drilling a bunch (lots) of holes into a plastic pot, filling it with Dalton's aquatic mix and capping it off with a bit of gravel.

Bit of dirt floated off when I submerged it but on the whole worked pretty well...

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I planted a water lilly this summer by drilling a bunch (lots) of holes into a plastic pot, filling it with Dalton's aquatic mix and capping it off with a bit of gravel.

Bit of dirt floated off when I submerged it but on the whole worked pretty well...

Yup, pretty much what I've done, minus the drilling holes.

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