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nitrate question


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Does high nitrate mean that there is an abnormal amount of nutrient in the water, ie food and fish waste etc, or that the filter isn't coping no matter how much nutrients there are?

In the riverbed tank I wondered why the crypts were melting and did some tests. Ammonia and nitrite are nil but nitrate was 40ppm, maybe a bit more. I changed out about 15% and it went down to 10-20, fed the fish and next day back up again. Changed out 30% and still up to 40ppm, changed another 30% and it came down to about 20ppm. My tanks are usually quite low on nitrates.

The java ferns seem to be thriving in this tank.

Tap water nitrate is 0ppm.

Planted minifish community tank nitrate is just about nil and it has 2 small filters in there, and possibly more plants and less fish.

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Does high nitrate mean that there is an abnormal amount of nutrient in the water, ie food and fish waste etc,


or that the filter isn't coping no matter how much nutrients there are

Filter can't do a thing about nitrates. The normal cycle ends with nitrate, the filter is done. If it wasn't good enough there'd be measurable ammonia or nitrite with less nitrate.

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usually when my crypts melt (which happens when I look at the funny) it's a lack of light / macro nutrients. If they're not growing they won't be using the nitrates in the water and your test levels will spike. Clearly the Java fern can't keep up.

I would increase the water changes (15% daily) for a week until the levels were back at 0ppm then go back to normal and see if it spikes again quickly or gradually. The filters are working properly but you might just have to adjust the frequency of the water changes going forward.

wow, it's been a while since I've given some advice here...

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wow, it's been a while since I've given some advice here...

indeed... :wave:

I don't think 40ppm is harmful to fish in itself but I worry that it will go up further so I will do the water changes and see if i can get it down again

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