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Goldfish Pagoda


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I have just found out about a new fish shop in howick. the sell marines, tropical and coldwater. they are getting a list next week and they are getting a shipment in 3 weeks. they are also cheaper than some of the bigger shops. their six line wrasses are $55 and in the bigger stores they are $69.

their ph number is 576 3333.

just thought you guys should know


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Patrick is the name of the guy at goldfish pagoda. He is just starting out with selling marine fish....his prices are very cheap! He told us a few weeks ago that you can just tell him what marine fish you want and he will order them in for you..not sure if he will be keeping any in the shop though.

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Well I visited this shop last visit to Auck.

I found the owner more interested in smoking his cigarette and yakking on the phone.

No customer contact was made at all.

Some of his goldfish were huge and good specimens of their type.

But I also noticed whitespot in his tank and no information to say they were under treatment and not for sale.

I will not be visiting the shop in future trips to Auckland.

Alan 104

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competition comes in various forms........

no different then my local sailing shop "getting in" that big $3000 winch... and charging $800 margin on the their $2200 purchase.... but oh the value they add!

box arrieves , i pick it up...... yeah cool.

this practice will only increase as the current two wholesalers try to grow the market. It is IMHO not a bad thing. as more cheaper product is what we all asked for! (well most of us :D )

I can almost feel the next stage.. as prices continue to fall..... to get back that lucrative margin shops may have to import themselves/which will make them, equal with the wholesalers that sell direct! :o

in fact if the shops start importing their own, wholesalers will either have to do it for the love of it, sell direct openly, specialise, shut up shop..... there will be some irony if this comes to pass..... it is easy to make the argument that the wholesalers need the retailers more then the other way around. could it be that the CHCH market had the most efficient model ?

competition is not a bad thing for customers...... or wholesalers....

any which way NO ONE can argue that there has not been a downward movement of retail prices in AKL... and even lower prices "available".

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When did you visit the shop Alan? Last week he had a big case of white spot and stopped selling most of his fish, he only ended up losing 6 though. As for customer service, I've found him to be a nice guy but as you say when he's talking on the phone he takes a while lol. I buy almost everything from him, his prices are way better than bigger shops.

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Last weekend in Feb. was my visit, from there I went to another large shop, nearby, and was impressed by the customer service and was nearly twisted into buying some fish that I "needed", but due to the fact I was staying up there for three days, I didn't succumb to the temptation.

Maybe next time tho.

Alan 104

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Also with buying fish like that, you don't get to take your pic of which fish as he will only get fish in that are basicallly pre paid.

personally i think no favours are being done here except for undercutiing other shops as he has no overheads, do the fish come with a 24-48 hour health gurantee ?

What customer service does he offer except for under cutting ? Can he advise you on problems with your tank and is it fair to use your local LFS for help and advice but not support them ?

Of course i would have these views due to my place of employment but i am sure i speak for Dave and the crew at hollywoods?

If there is a lack of support to our shop you can expect to see marines taken out of Mt Eden.

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I do like to support my LFS but if someone can offer the same product but cheaper id be a fool to pay more.

That is human nature to buy cheaper, but with the very small marine market in NZ, too cheap a pricing means retail stores have to sell twice as much to get the same return and shops will close the marine section if they can’t make a buck. Most are already doing it for love.

A chain reaction will happen and it will also effect all large wholesalers who will only bring in small number of items which will mean less selection and increased pricing.

I think R&B and the crew will soon see that they got it so wrong, That competition in a tiny market means everyone losses in the long run.

You have to be in the market to understand how it works before you can come out and slam all the pricing.

Already there is a big slowdown as so much coral/fish has come in during the last 24 months so most tanks are getting fully stocked.

The hobby in NZ will never get much bigger as it is not in everyones price range and with the world reefs being destroyed more corals will be cultured , and cultured coral is not cheap and will never be cheap.

If there is a lack of support to our shop you can expect to see marines taken out of Mt Eden.

IF that happens it will be the worst thing that can ever happen to the Hobby as it is nice to walk in the store and see the products, not buy them out of a bag. How can you buy something if you dont see it. especially for new hobbyist who will miss out on seeing what is available.

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I can really recommend patrick at the goldfish pagoda he is a hell of a nice guy....just do not get him started talking lol , he does not shut up at times lol.....but seriously a really nice guy....i do not think there is another shop that will give customers the same prices as him, he discounts EVERYTHING , his shop may not be the prettiest but as far as customer relations go he cannot be beat, just like hummingbird i use him for everything.....if he does not have somthing it takes a week to get it in and if they have it at another shop it is almost a sure thing that he can get it to....

well thats my plug for the week

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Also with buying fish like that, you don't get to take your pic of which fish as he will only get fish in that are basicallly pre paid.

personally i think no favours are being done here except for undercutiing other shops as he has no overheads, do the fish come with a 24-48 hour health gurantee ?

What customer service does he offer except for under cutting ? Can he advise you on problems with your tank and is it fair to use your local LFS for help and advice but not support them ?

Of course i would have these views due to my place of employment but i am sure i speak for Dave and the crew at hollywoods?

If there is a lack of support to our shop you can expect to see marines taken out of Mt Eden.

Ok i will be fair and say that you are correct in that you cannot actually choose the exact fish, wich can be a pain but c'mon how often are people not happy?, if people were not happy they would not go back there would they...

Also i have been there when he has been giving people advice and he does know his stuff and while you can get advice from pretty much all fish stores people with years of experiance in my opinion generally give better advice than some of the younger workers at some LFS(wich i have also experianced...)

And as far as guaranteeing fish if somthing ever did happen all you would have to do is go and talk to him about and he will sort you out exactly the same as the other big stores..(wich is usually very satisfactory)

And if he is udercutting other shops i say good on him....he is still making a profit and covering his overheads wich while not the same as some of the big places try and remember that in proportion his costs are pretty similair....so if he can do it good on him.....he does all of us hobbyists a favour in my opinion

Now again to be fair the large shops like jansons and hollywood look fantastic and there dispays are great not many other shops come close and there selection is awesome, it is really great to see......i wonder how many people come in there just to look and treat it like a public aqurium tho??

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EON wrote:

And if he is udercutting other shops i say good on him....he is still making a profit and covering his overheads wich while not the same as some of the big places try and remember that in proportion his costs are pretty similair

He has no overheads when it come to marines, he has no tanks, sumps skimmers hallide lighting etc. The fish are left in a bag for the day untill the purchaser come in.

From what i heard last time he tried to sell marines from the tank they kept on dying on him, i am sure he give sound advice on fresh water fish keeping but marines ? ie compatability of fish different requiremnts of corals etc.

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He has no overheads when it come to marines, he has no tanks, sumps skimmers hallide lighting etc. The fish are left in a bag for the day untill the purchaser come in.

From what i heard last time he tried to sell marines from the tank they kept on dying on him, i am sure he give sound advice on fresh water fish keeping but marines ? ie compatability of fish different requiremnts of corals etc

Not dismissing your point, but Im sure you would say that being a competitor. In bold above, so who did you hear it from? Rumours can spread quickly...

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He has no overheads when it come to marines, he has no tanks, sumps skimmers hallide lighting etc. The fish are left in a bag for the day untill the purchaser come in.

From what i heard last time he tried to sell marines from the tank they kept on dying on him, i am sure he give sound advice on fresh water fish keeping but marines ? ie compatability of fish different requiremnts of corals etc.

dogmatix, How do you know this? I have found that some of of the staff at jansens don't know what they are talking about. I asked one of the staff at jansens if they had any mandarin fish. they replied "you mean the big yellow ones? yeah we have them." I am sure he was talking about a yellow tang, but definately not a mandarin. since when are mandarins big and yellow?

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I agree with Hummingbird , i've had good & bad advice from the 2 big ones , even been told by a so-called specialist that the little mites in my white worm culture turn into white worms LOL. In my case i dont have a lot of spare money so its not by choice i pick the cheapest shop but by necessity. Theres a huge variation in pricing, try pricing a filter at hollywood then the same filter at lady gays, lady gays doesn't specialise in fish but shes the closet to me (but out of my price range). I got told by one of the big shops that my red tailed black shark was non-aggresive yet he chases the small clown loaches , rams & angels bought from the same store. IMO just because someone works for a big shop doesn't mean they know what they are talking about. I have found a couple that of people that are awesome & a couple i wont be asking again. In conclusion when you find someone that is good stick with them. But as with everything else ill shop around for products.

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. No Retail store makes much money on marines. It’s all just part of the service.


How can any store compete with a store that has no over heads. IF you compete on price no one wins.

If Jansens stop selling marines that would be the worst thing that can happen. So that is why i have always maintained that you support you local store. And if you have not got any store in the area i will always try to help in some way.

hey reef of course they make alot of money on marines....i used to sell and i made a tidy profit and was stil cheaper than almost all the other stores....alot of stores put big markups on fish and the higher their cost the higher the cost the costomer pays...however you can you can still make decent money specially on marines withot such a big markup....i would quite often only make $20 or $30 on a fish that cost me over a $100....now the reason that was vaible is 1...because i was not being greedy ...2 and because they went out pretty much the day they came in my overheads were damn low, wich brings me to another point every single store and fish keeper has overheads ....the bigger the store the bigger the overheads, now if a little store or even just joe blogs on the corner can sell somthing cheap and make a couple bucks in the process so that they can keep on going good on em

I would like to commend you tho on your offer to help anyone who needs it even if jansens gets rid of it's marines i think anyone who is really into fish should do whatever they can to help and educate others who need it or who are struggling.....it's the loss of that kinda attitude that would truly hurt the hobby as a whole and not some people with lower costs

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