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Mattos 1120 litre tank


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i don't think it will make a noticable difference. When i designed kitchens starfire/low iron glass didn't make much of a difference when the back was painted for hob splashbacks but the cost difference was quite high so we had samples of float and starfire with painted backs. Most people went for the float glass.

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you can see a difference but not a major one ,it wasn't much more and i wont be upgrading so i thought i might as well do it.

if it wasn't much more then it seems like a good investment as I don't really think there is any point in upgrading from this monster !

Chiller is going to cost a fortune :env:

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Not starting anything just saying, glass splashbacks have no depth of view, aquariums do.

I have 12mm 900 mm wide low lead on the front of my tank and it pretty cool how you can look through it on the edge to the other side, other edges are normal glass and I cant even see my hand and they are only 300 mm wide.

I know its only 10-15mm you look through but take reading glasses for example, Id rather look through ultra clear than some with a slight green hue to them, rose tinted on the other hand 8)

:digH: About the drums under ground, I have a little experience when it comes to this, my sump is buried 3/4 of its depth into the ground, and it still gets warm, like it runs at 26 with no heaters, due to the fact that it runs a big ass pump to get water into my display tank,approx 2.5 head height(working out bends etc) it works hard and creates heat which is transfered into the water.

My system runs a chiller left over from my local marine and a fan across the top of the sump, my chiller is working hard in this heat, my local marine my chiller ran pretty much 24/7 and dude they use power some thing cruel!

The earth is a real good insulator, not so good at despersing heat,I dont know if you watch the "grand designs" program but more than once they have shown people burying pipes under the ground to pre heat the water for the home "harnessing the earths natural energy" I think is the line.

So you may want to run an experiment first to see if it can keep a constant 16'-18'C, if it does all good, I'll have my humble pie with cream and a coffee,no sugar, thanks :slfg:

I've always thought a 400 lt freezer filled with water maybe an idea for a unit this size, you could run a controller to sort out the on/off , not hard if you know the right people like a refridgeration engineer :wink: Not sure if they are that water tight,thats would be my only worry.

All the best with it


PS Just seen your in Hamilton, PM me if you need a second pair of hands, more than happy to help out.

Im not so smart..... but I can lift alot! !drool:

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thinking about your idea to put the barrels in the ground......

what is your ground temp? over winter it was around 13 deg here which was warmer than normal, not sure what it is at the moment.

Putting barrels in the ground i don't think will have much effect but if you ran several metres of pipe lines under the ground, maybe 15-20mm pipe that would be more likely to effect the water temp than a large body of water like a barrel. Kinda like the opposite of have the pipe on your roof to heat it up. If you make sure the pipes are long enough & deep enough to cool the water below your desired tank temp then have a heater to raise it a little if required.

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there will be 4m of 40mm pipe running each way and I can always bury a coil of 20mm pipe if i need to.I just stuck a thermometer in the ground and at barely 10cm it was 22 degrees but its probably not very accurate.I still need to experiment and i have plenty of time to do so.

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If I had the room I would consider a "cooling tower" type of deal,as used in commercial air conditioning systems but on a smaller scale, they have been known to spawn legoinaries diesase and it will survive in saltwater but I think risk would be very very low,(just putting it out there) any way moving on.

Deltec make them for aquariums very very expensive I think $700 POUNDS, but me thinks one could be made kiwi styles like an alage scrubber but instead of a light, use a fan, for much less.

I started making a prototype from left over parts but fell short in bits so I stopped, But im sure a box with spraybar and coarse filter foam or screen and a fan drawing air through it, not blowing on it will work, it may take some tinkering with both water flow rates and airflow rates but im sure it would work. it has to.

Have a think on it.

http://www.theaquariumsolution.com/delt ... oler-small


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