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Aquascaping our new planted aquarium


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just completed "The Fern Wall' aquascape video. We are super happy with the results. A big thank you to Valray for all the help.

Aquarium-60cm x 45cm x 45cm. 2x 20wT8 Power-Glo, Hamburg Matten Filter

Plant list: Narrow leaf java fern, java fern, java moss, anubia nana, glossostigma, african fern.Stock list: Neon Tetras


http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=128 ... =2&theater

Looks promising, cheeky way of achieving depth :P Anything you CAN'T do with that foam?

I will let you know if we ever find out.

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The guy to speak is lotofish on this forum. Ill check with him to see if I can put up a downloadable info sheet on my site. http://www.poret-aquarium-filter.co.nz/technical.php

correct me if im wrong but is it this one? http://www.fish-street.com/diy_co2_system_complete_kits?category_id=78 looks very similar

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I would work with the 20ppi medium density for that application. What is the volume of the compartment. If using sheets of foam I try to seperate them to achieve multiple microbial layers. This would be the best way for small volume areas. a cm or 2 gap is sufficient. I hope this helps.

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The filter has 3 baskets, each one being around 2ltrs volume I am guesstimating, actual filter volume being 7.3ltrs. Each basket measures around 200x200x50ish.

I was thinking of running poret in the upper and bottom baskets leaving some ehfisubstrat between them, this way the foam is not a big solid mass and the substrat material should allow the foam to have multiple microbial layers?

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The filter has 3 baskets, each one being around 2ltrs volume I am guesstimating, actual filter volume being 7.3ltrs. Each basket measures around 200x200x50ish.

I was thinking of running poret in the upper and bottom baskets leaving some ehfisubstrat between them, this way the foam is not a big solid mass and the substrat material should allow the foam to have multiple microbial layers?

Wicked idea. You wont be disappointed. A high percentage of customers have after trialling it purchased more Poret for other applications. Duct tape mate. New sizes, thicknesses,colours and reduced prices are available at http://www.purelyporet.co.nz. Dont hesitate to hit me up with any queries.

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It seems being new to planted aquarium I have had a bit of a blow out. The planting medium for the glossostigma is made up of Fluorite and nothing else. It has been mentioned to me that over time due to the high levels of exposure, the fluorite will leach nutrients into the water column.

I take it that this could fuel an algae take over. I am thinking of covering the fluorite with fine gravel, trying not to disturb the plants too much. Has anyone had experience with this type of situation. Would the reward to prevent excessive nutrients getting into the water ,out way damaging new plants that are still finding their feet.

Thanking you in advance for your help.

Regarding the smoke and mirrors.Co2 instructions to come. Still waiting on someone.

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  • 5 weeks later...

So its the new year and progress has slowly been ticking along on the "Fern Wall' and were super stoked with the results.


All plants are growing well except for the Glossostigma which is my nemesis. I don't know if its lack of light or a nutrient problem. Even bits that I thought were doing well have recently died off. All other plants are pearling nicely.


The Bolbitis is coming away nicely and the Java fern is beginning to attach to the wall.



The two Discus have settled in nicely. When they arrived they had been suffering from internal flagellates(white stringy faeces) and it has taken them some time to bounce back. One of them has only just started feeding again.



My contact has just forwarded the instructions for the Citric acid system flick me a pm and Ill email you with them.

Hope you enjoyed the update

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