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Green water....


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In one of my tanks I have a case of subborn pea soup water.. other 2 are crystal clear...... Suspended free floating alage ACK

I have tried to address main causes...

There is no direct light.... light is on a timer for 8 hours a day...

I use a low phopohrous food... Nutrimax tropical flakes....

Nitrites were a problem... last month I have been doing 10-20% water changes every 2-3rd day which I'm don't happy doing....

I have tried the good old method of completly covering the tank for 24-36 hours.. with no real success.. slight improvement but worses in a day again...

I don't want to use a alagecid.. (i dont want to destroy beifortical bacteria) :o but do I need to use more drastic measures? if so what can u suggest?


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Kellz said...

> In one of my tanks I have a case of subborn pea soup water..

> other 2 are crystal clear......

I had the same problem once, out of a bank of 6 tanks, one

was always bright green. All were under the same light and

had similar bio-loads. Very annoying.

While it doesn't look all that attractive, it does no harm to the

fish usually so it's important to remember not to do anything

drastic that may cause more good than harm...

> Suspended free floating alage ACK

Makes good daphnia food though...

> I have tried to address main causes...

That's the best approach. All things being equal, algae requires

light and nutrients in order to thrive. Work out which one is the

limiting factor in your case and the algae will generally go


> There is no direct light.... light is on a timer for 8

> hours a day...

How much light in what sized tank? How many fish?

Your duration of light doesn't seem to be the problem, IMHO

> Nitrites were a problem... last month

This may be a hint.

What sort of filtration are you using? How long has the tank

been set up?

> I have been doing 10-20% water changes every 2-3rd

> day which I'm don't happy doing....

Not happy, why? The fish wont mind and it'll dilute out any

excess nutrient unless it's coming in via your water...

> ... do I need to use more drastic measures?

I wouldn't panic just yet. Tell us a bit more and we'll see what

we can do.


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100l acyric tank, 2 tubes in hood (i have no idea wot they are.. came with tank i will be changing when i have the $$, ones purple and ones green)

I have 4 6-7cm clown loaches...

I have a fluval 3 plus filter which im not happy with so ive got a(cycled) bio wheel going too..

Tank has been running fully cycled 3 months... no nitrites for a month atleast since

heh about water changes.. im not happy with parents sreaming about slight wet patches on new carpet in living room... i do lay down towels...

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Hi Kellz,

Welcome to the fishroom.

Green water. When you need it for feeding fry you can't get it and when you don't want it it's there. Typical.

Just have patience, just as Andrew says it doesn't hurt the fish, only looks bad. It will eventually disappear. Perhaps don't feed fish for a while.

Are you sure the tank doesn't get direct sunlight? From you post it sounds like the tank is in your living room. Perhaps some late afternoon sunshine coming in through a window now that the sun is still low?

The Upper Hutt Aquarium club has a diatom filter available. That will remove the green algae if you can't get rid of it any other way. Of course you'd need to join as a member first. :D

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I've heard you can't have daphnia and fish together? is this true?.... I spose I could just move the c. loaches... its just they swim FAST and are almost impossible to catch....

Hmm the water has gone almost cloudy now.. hmm does this thou every time I get my hopes up...

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Hi Kellz

There are some people who don't mind green water. Then you read about people and ads regarding their filters being able to polish water! What is it now, green water or crystal clear polished water? I prefer a clear tank.

The algae itself is not bad. But, if that algae dies god help you. The whole tank will be a toxic potion. And quite deadly to fish. Do your best to control it. Some people are annoyed by a bit of algae on ther glass. They purchase either a scraper, or a magnetic cleaner. If you use your tank as a display piece keep it crystal clear.


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I think you need to start looking at serious mechanical filtration and the diatom filter the Cees metioned earlier is the best method to clear things

especially if you can borrow it *great things fish clubs lots of nice people*

These are designer for running only a few hours and not for continuous use due to the fine filter media that will even filter Ich out of water

Chris 8)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I offically can't see the fish coz its so green...

My Mum brought some "alagegone" for green water... upon reading this I found :

This contains a chemical known to cause cancer in Californa.

If you get on hands wash, then seek medical attention...

Yesh... I am REALLY keen to use this product.....

I've now had green water for about 2-3 months...... ARGH i just want to bin the whole thing.

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Hi Kellz,

Hate to say this, but you are doing something wrong :oops:

If your tank is not getting sunlight, then you are possibly overfeeding, or your water conditions are up the pole.

The soupy conditions you have are caused by the algae having the ultimate conditions to survive, and basically it seems as though it has little competition.

Having not seen your tank, my guess would be that you have very few live plants in there to compete with the algae, or your pH is way out, along with the possible overfeeding.

Just a suggestion, but I would do a 50% water change twice a week, plus reduce your feeding (feed only live food if poss) to two or three times a week till it clears up. This along with good filtration should clear your water up. Dump the water in a container in the garden and you will have a good source of live food in no time.

The danger here is in allowing the algae to die, which will cause you more probs than you have now, so if you can remove the problem naturally, then so much the better. You might consider some Plecos and perhaps some hungry bottom feeders to clean your substrate up which will be coated with algae, but either way, (unless you do a full stripdown) it is going to take time to erradicate.

As mentioned, if you can purchase some live Daphnia, these will clear your water up in no time.

Best of luck.


Bill (Pegasus)

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Thanks Pegasus....

I was always under the impression that the more water changes I did.. it made it worse... I Have some clowns in there so.. could I do say 10% a day?...

Nitrates ammonia and nitrites are fine... pH was stable but since getting this green condition it is changings as its ment to.

I have three power filters going in the tank at the moment....'

What live food would you suggest that won't pollute my water?.... my LFS guys said blood worms would do this...

What would I find in a bucket that I have placed in the garden?....

There appears to be no alage on my gravel... if there was my red tail would gobble it up......

I would like to try some Daphina.. but i am having serious problems locating it in Wellington..

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Hi Kellz,

Wow... I thought it would be all gone by now :)

Your Clowns, as you say, are a little bit fragile in some ways, but if the water you add is the same temperature and hardness, then I don't think you will have a prob if you add it gradually and not just pour it in.

10% would be fine I suppose, but it sounds by your posts that you are having probs keeping track of the growth, which appears to be quick.

By removing 10% you are only removing 10% of your prob, which could just about grow back in a day, but you could try it and see how you go.

Doing a major water change is going to reduce the soup by a major amount, perhaps to a level you can cope with.

There are various live foods you could try. I've not used blood worm, so I can't comment, but Mossie Larva is plentyful just now, and it will certainly be in anything in your garden that holds water, like old tubs or buckets. Most farm ponds will have Daphnia at this time of year (pick a sunny day) and they will be swarming near the surface.

BioSupplies in Auckland have a great selection of live food, and will ship to anywhere in NZ. Here you can get White Worm which is a great standby livefood, and ALL fish love it.

You ask,

What would I find in a bucket that I have placed in the garden?....

Mossie Larva, and again, I have yet to find a fish that won't devour it. :)

Add a small amount of yeast (1/4 spoon per bucket) once they get going.

Use your old tank water, it will feed the Mossies.

Add it to some water and shake till milky before adding.

Place the bucket to get all day sun if poss for best results.

Addy for BioSupplies is,


They have everything you will need in live food, plus lots of info.


Bill (Pegasus)

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Thanks Peagsus, for a the time you have given me It's been a great help... I just hope I can get somewhere this time. :)

As for mossive larva its pretty cold here... we dont get much of em but ill give it ago.. ah if i was still in whangarei

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Bugga!... I just well Bio supplies said the cheapest they can get me is 5l at 25 dollars somethinfg ekk....

My I asked at another petshop about my lights.. and they said they sound liek turtle lights (they came with teh tank).. and I need a light name with "glow" in it is this correct..

Any lighting bulb suggestions?.... it is a 200l tank currently it has 2X 20W and Degen brand purple and green

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I don't remember if you said or not if you have many plants. But, I prefer to have half daylight tubes and half grolux tubes. Maybe Grolux is what you were told? You're in Wellington, right? I get my tubes from a place in Petone called Lamp Specialists or something like that. They should be able to get you the right ones and they seem a good bit cheaper than from a pet store.

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