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yeh I am aware avacado is dodgy for animals, nah was actualy cooking fish for dinner tonight and cut a couple small bits off and threw it in a tank and thought after mmmmm what if that is poisinus to them.... hence why i asked on here. but now you mention it I may make something up just for a bit of variation

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i was told to never feed africans blood worms by several members on a ozzy forum after i had been feeding them it for years with no issues :roll: so it really just depends on what species you are feeding and what quantity

africans in general can suffer from bloat. Malawians i found to be less likely to get it as i used to feed a wide variety of food. Several bought fish foods, sushi wrap, shelled peas, blood worms, even steak but with the tropheus i'm not prepared to run the risk of them getting sick so i stick to NLS. My opinion on feeding random foods to the malawians is everything in moderation and give them a variety, it worked well for me.

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don't feed them any cooked foods, meat with fat in it, or liver.

i don't think raw chicken would be very good either with everything it carries... (correct me if i'm wrong)

no citrus. stick to veges, not fruit.

avoid feeder fish especially if caught in the wild or if you don't know whether they are disease free.

most of all - do not over feed! most cichlids are greedy and given the chance will eat way more then they need!


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because naturally fish can't cook... i mean, they don't even have kitchens. therefore in their natural habitat they would never eat cooked food, unless offered to them by humans. not saying it's harmful, just sayin'... keep it natural.

would dead food they find be potentialy slowly boiled?

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because naturally fish can't cook... i mean, they don't even have kitchens. therefore in their natural habitat they would never eat cooked food, unless offered to them by humans. not saying it's harmful, just sayin'... keep it natural.

what's the process for making the commercial foods like NLS, Sera, JBL etc? Is that cooked?

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Cooked then processed so it is easily digestable, quite different to feeding cooked meaty foods. I certainly wouldn't feed anything like cooked fish/prawn/etc, there simply isn't any benefit for it, and I know of people (myself included) who have had fatalities that [on the surface of it] can't seem to be attributed to anything else.

TBH I don't know why people feed all sorts of "stuff" to their fish in the name of variety. A mix of quality foods will provide all the variety and nutrients they need, so unless you have an obligate piscavore that won't touch processed food I see no need for it. If you're doing it because its cheaper than buying quality pellet foods then thats a different story all together, but I don't believe for a second that there is any nutritional benefit to it.

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