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flourish excel and cichlids


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I just double dosed my malawi tank with flourish excel to kill off some bba. After an hr i noticed my azureus lying at the bottom of the tank gasping for air. All the other fish are fine so i pulled the azureus out and put him in a grow out tank. He seemed fine this morn did the same wc routine accept this time i added the flourish.

Could the flourish be causing this, has anyone lost any fish double dosing with flourish before?

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yeah it says that on my bottle to. Flourish seems to be the only thing that has a good success rate at killing bba, from the research i have done. I plugged my airstone back in after i noticed the azureus. He's still sitting on the bottom of my growout tank, breathing heavily, looks like hes just finished a marathon, i'll leave him in there till he looks better. Hope he pulls through he's a great fish

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i have both nozzles on the fx5 pointin up plus the airstone running so should be ok, all the other fish seem fine. The azureus is breathin normally now, but now he has dark spots on his fins and around his jaw that werent there yest, no idea what it is, i dosed the grow out tank with some salt and will leave him in there for a while. I was hoping i could put him straight back in the main tank as he is not top dog and cops a lot of grief from the taiwan and the litho and the longer i leave him out the more grief he's gonna get when i put him back in.

Spots are weird, i have a dem that i got from tm in the grow out with the azureus as well as a couple of randoms. The dem had similar spots on him but its more around the bottom of his jaw but the other 2 fish don't have them. The spots have appeared on the azureus today so i am hoping its not some disease the dem was carrying.

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I dosed what i could see with a syringe, there is quite a lot and i prob only ended up putting 5ml in the water column. My tanks 90g and with all the sustrate and rock i dosed for 80 g which worked out as 10ml per 10g for a double dose. I dosed early mon morn and i aint seen any redness, still looks the same, thought it would be dying off by now

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i'm really hoping this works, don't have the tanks to remove all my stock into to treat the main tank. Most people who use flourish said the bba turned red then died off. Looks like a few tufts have disappeared. Its not turning red though. I will give it till mon which is when i am due a wc.

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i'm really hoping this works, don't have the tanks to remove all my stock into to treat the main tank. Most people who use flourish said the bba turned red then died off. Looks like a few tufts have disappeared. Its not turning red though. I will give it till mon which is when i am due a wc.

i have had bba and flourish got rid of it well, it turned red and died off. i've got the same stuff as you and as i said before i don't think it's bba you've got. i just use a dish scrubber to get rid of mine.

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it looks like the stuff angus had in the bba topic i had goin in the freshwater section. It has taken over all the rockwork now smidez. Pullin all the rocks out to scrub them clean would work for a coupla days but it just comes back. I was hopin the flourish would nuke it.

What do you reckon it is smidez if not bba? looks like the bba i have seen in threads on other sites

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it looks like the stuff angus had in the bba topic i had goin in the freshwater section. It has taken over all the rockwork now smidez. Pullin all the rocks out to scrub them clean would work for a coupla days but it just comes back. I was hopin the flourish would nuke it.

What do you reckon it is smidez if not bba? looks like the bba i have seen in threads on other sites

i don't know what it is but i'm confident it aint bba. my rocks are covered but i'm fine with it. it doesn't seem to get any longer than about 5mm.

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