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Mini white worm culture


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Hi there, have access to a large white worm culture but want one at home.

would it be feasable to do one in an icecream container, or would this be too small.

only want enough to feed a couple of rams and 4 leaopard fish every so often so don't really need too much

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yeah ok, it seems we have a white worm shortage in NZ

I only have one atm, but I will expand and we can all have white worms!!!!

(p.s. after todays post I have officially run out!!! (unless I want to give it all away)

and to those who have them, white bread makes them breed, luncheon sausage makes the get bigger.

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I have a big one at work (large polybox size) that consumed 2 whole slices of bread every 2 days with no left overs before I sold a few cultures. I bought an Icecream container worth home with me tonight, Missus doesn't understand why im so happy about a container of dirt and soggy bread :lol:

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