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Driftwood in Pond


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I want to create a natural looking pond, ambitiously I want to keep Axolotl with smallish oranda goldfish (turtles?). I have plenty of rocks and moss for dry land.

I want to put some driftwood in the water possibly with java ferns? (any other plants?)

With the driftwood have I got any leeway regarding using driftwood found near a river? as its a pond do I still have to go through the normal steps in curing the wood?

Lots of questions! thanks in advance. I will upload photos showing all steps.

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Oranda's do really well here, I live in Sumner here we do not get frost, I have had a pond here for 16 years never have I ever seen ice on the pond. The coldest the water has ever got (temp taken at bottom of pond) is 5. Willowbank our local zoo keeps turtles outside, i have actually see eggs.

Turtles in not priority, and I need to do a lot more research. But definitely Axolotls.

I want to introduce large driftwood into pond, what curing do I need to do?


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I really dont think java fern will survive out side for too long, go for a wander down your local creek to see what natural options you have.

trutles will quickly take a few chunks out of the axo's so its a case of either or, the orandas should survive the axo's untill the axo's can take them in one bite (expect a few missing fins though)

if you can get a peice of wood from thebottom of a river you should not have too much trouble with tannins leaching (although after this week there will be a lot of fresh wood in there)

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