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Interest In Starting a Club In Southland

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Hi, I was wondering if there is enough interest down here to start an Aquarium Club in Southland? There doesn't seem to be one down here and I know 5+ people who would be interested in establishing one. If you are interested please pm me so I can make sure there is actually enough people who will join and participate in club meetings etc.



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Thanks Caryl, already read your sticky. I'm just interested to see if there is enough people with abit more experience than myself and the other people I know, I've only been keeping fish on and off for a few years so am reasonably new to the hobby. It would be pointless me starting one until I have a rough idea on the amount of people interested. Don't really want to put too much time into it at this stage with only 5 people not including myself when we already see each others setups on a regular basis and between us don't really have too much knowledge, well not technical knowledge etc. If I can get another 3+ people I will contact the local paper to get an article put in. I have asked the LFS down here about this and they told me it would be a waste of time which is not very encouraging, pretty sure they are just worried about losing business.

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Hi, my name is Jim and very interested in forming a club however I do not know you so please feel free to introduce yourself.

Hey Jim, how ya going? Well I guess ill start out by saying my name is Jamie and I am another sufferer of MTS (to my partners mild dismay). I have 4 tanks running at the moment, all tropical with a wide variety of fish. Short term goal is to breed some apistos, long term goal is breeding a few more of the more popular species eg. discus, plecs, fighters etc. So far I have successfully bred kribs, guppies, swords, angels and had an attempt at breeding some gourami but ran out of tanks to raise the fry. I've had alot of hobbies over the years but have always been interested in tropical fish keeping as my father used to own 20+ tropical tanks and breed multiple fish. I am about to start studying computing at the S.I.T. after recently being made redundant as that is my other hobby. If you have any other questions feel free to ask away.


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I hope you have beer for Jim...

And I can tell you he likes lots of fried onions with his BBQ'd meat. :wink:

Didn't have beer and it's the wrong time of year for BBQ's down here :slfg:

and he is hard to shut up! :sml1: :roll: :wink:

And it was me that done most of the talking picking his brain on some things that I've been planning etc. :sage:

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