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I got a hoover for my tank!


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So apart from Caryls suggestions, does anybody have any others? He's in the 50L at the moment, just him and Gary (snail). Was told that I needed something thats is more of a top level fish, but I don't know...

Also, does anyone elses float upside down on the suface of the water and blow a continous stream of bubbles? Or have I just got a psychotic fish??

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hahahaha, that would look cool, mentla little suckers, they turnthemselves upside down to build their bubblenests, chuck in some floating plants or an icecream container lid and you'll have a nest....

time for a female.

btw I have a little hoplo at work that i'll give you 1/2 price on (only for you to go with your cripple hoover) as its missing one barbel (It got munched by a glowlight tetra one day and hasn't grown back)

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Nice fish :) My one is called Grizzly... just because when my brother and i got our 1st tank it came with a Hoplo, we were looking for a name. A bunch of the accessories came in a shoebox branded 'Grizzly', so ever since thats what all our hoplos have been called :)

They have all been different in their own way, one had nice orange side fins, like sterbai corys, another had a barbel nipped off which then grew back forked which was quite comical, they all came to the surface to feed, very fun friendly fish.

They dont seem to be agressive towards other bottom dwellers from what ive noticed.

How can you tell the difference between male and female?

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btw I have a little hoplo at work that i'll give you 1/2 price on (only for you to go with your cripple hoover) as its missing one barbel (It got munched by a glowlight tetra one day and hasn't grown back)

I *MAY* come and see you on Wednesday... just been talking to the hubby LOL...

Wait, you work Wednesday??

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  • 4 months later...
I made the suggestion to hubby that he could have his own tank, with whatever fish he wanted in it.

He said he would, but my fish would end up in his tank... and become food for his ones. :o

Me thinks I'll stick to keeping the tanks for me, but I'll have a tank with some fish that he likes in one... LOL

My hubby said exactly the same thing! I don't care, I'm setting him up a tank based on my pleco he likes (I'm guessing common?) and I'm stocking it and calling it his tank, which it will be in name only. Bahahaha!!!

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