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new and improved 4ft planted setup


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so this is my upgraded 4ft, same stand, differnt tank, the tank is 122cm long X 45cm wide X 60cm deep, i changed it over because this way i can have a deeper substrate and it suits my new discus :) anyway the specs are as followed

lighting: 1 twin 4ft T5HO with 54w 6500k bulbs, and 1 4ft single T8 with a 40w powerglo in it. ( i have timers for the light but im new to this depth of tank so help would be appricated, also have a spare 4ft twin T5HO fitting if you guys think it is necessary)

Filtration: eheim 2213, fluval 305

heater: aqua one 300watt, think bout switching to a jager 300watt tho

substrate: daltons aquatic mix, about a 3cm layer, covered buy fine black gravel, which has been mixed with some orange flecks to give some color

CO2: I have a proper system with 7.5kg bottle, just needs filling and setting up

Ferts: none at the moment,was using valrays( trademe) ferts but was to much hassle dosing every day, thinking of just using flourish comprehensive

Plants: ambulia,stargrass,sunset hygrophila, green hygrophila,red rotala, water sprite, red macandra,valasaneria , narrow leaf java fern, windelov java fern ,amazon swords, borno sword?,green barcalya, xmas moss, and a crypt of some sort

Fish: 90 harliquins , 3 super red map discus ( stunners thanks to ron), agazzi 3m/1 f, 2 female triple red cockatoos ( guna get a super red male), 4 blackline flying foxes, assorted cories ( will post when i have decided what ones to put in) breeding pair of long finned bristlenose plus about 7 junvniles. Think about getting 4 lancilot whiptails.


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I think flourish comprehensive is just micro nutrients. That means you will still need to dose Macros (flourish nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). Or you can look into estimative index dosing (I won't write you an essay because there heaps out there)

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so this is my upgraded 4ft, same stand, differnt tank, the tank is 122cm long X 45cm wide X 60cm deep, i changed it over because this way i can have a deeper substrate and it suits my new discus :) anyway the specs are as followed

lighting: 1 twin 4ft T5HO with 54w 6500k bulbs, and 1 4ft single T8 with a 40w powerglo in it. ( i have timers for the light but im new to this depth of tank so help would be appricated, also have a spare 4ft twin T5HO fitting if you guys think it is necessary)

On my new tank which is 700mm deep i am just using 4t5 two plant growth and two day light bulbs. My fittings and bulbs are both juwel.

And i find that my low/carpet plants are growing well. I do have proper reflectors on my lights.

So i would say that you should be fine. I also had at 6t5 fitting on my old tank that was also 700mm deep but found it too bright and only ran it with 4t5s.

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:spop: Can't wait to see the photos!~

I heard you had a bit of a disaster in the fish room at work this morning :lol:

Poor Laura had to come get our wet vac

uhh yeah just a minor one, flooded half the shop, i mangaged to fix it with a hose clip which should have been already on it

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sorry guys no pics tonight , jut added the discus so im trying to leave the tank allone while the settle in,but on a side note i fould one of my juvi long finned bristlenose had be attacked, im thinking its the larger male who did it, but the strange this is that it was only one of the juvis the rest are fine, so im thinking that the one that was attacked was a young male and the rest a juvinile females?

thoughs please

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Stunning. Love the harlequins !

How long until we see those numbers increase dramatically ? :spop:

Everytime I go hunting harlequins, I either find none or they're in short supply, therefore unusually expensive :)

well for the moment i wana add some other fish but maybe later on this year ill add another 40

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