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Two filters?

Chris H

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Hey there just got an aqua one AR980 and was wondering if I should just leave the filter that's on it or have two the factory one and a canister filter aswell? Any of you know much about these tanks is the filtration on them good enough or would two be better?

Ps I already have the canister filter lying around.

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i have an aqua one ar980 and to be honest even lightly stocked the original filter is crap especially for africans i added a aquis 1200 to it and is great.

dont bother using the internal one aswell as canister its hard enough to get the filter pipes in there as it is.ps the 980 filters are known to clog up and overfill and there loud too

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I totally agree with zuri08

I too have an Aqua One 980, I removed the in built filter, now have the top where the filter media would have sat filled with Filter Wool.

I run an Aqua One 1200 on this tank along with a Internal Filter 1000lph.

Much better filtration :wink:

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i used to have a sunsun which has the same style of trickle filter as the aquaone and i used both and it was really good. You can stock as heavily as you like and feed heaps as you basically have 10 times the tank volume or more filtration per hour. The sunsun had gaps in the hood for canister piping, do the Aquaone's not?

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I got a 980t, they are loud, but I put a straw in it and seems to do the trick at reducing noise

I have honestly learnt my lesson about buying all in one tanks, the lighting isn't strong enough and unless you want to ruin the look of the all in one, you cant do much about it.

Bought mine because I prefer the curved glass over glass box. Next time I buy a tank it will be custom made

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How did you upgrade the lights Zuri?

A whole new light hood?

It's got 2x 30w and 1x 25w, the 25w is a special size and you can't just go to mitre 10 and get a replacement, you have to buy it from pet store which is expensive. I would love to have like 4x 30w..

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Definitely add the canister - as people have said, the more filtration the better :)

I have looked at all-in-one tanks at shops before and the built-in filters that they come with really do not have sufficient biological media capacity, and IMO are only really useful as chemical and mechanical filters. What you could do it use the built-in filter for just that, and fill the canister with bio media :thup:

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I run an aquis 1000 alongside my AR850.

It was easy to set up the aquis with the spray bar going down the hole in the back LHS where the cords etc go in and drilling a pipe sized hole near the outlet hole on the RHS and a small piece out the back so that the inlet pipe sits flush. Let me know if you need more details/pics if you decide to go this way.

My opinion was the more filtration the better & it means you have an intake pipe going from the back left and right of the tank.


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my ar980 is silent (it is a few years old and they do change designs constantly)

I agree though, the all in one Idea is great for your first timer but doesn't leave much open for changes.

I would throw out the carbon pads asap and replace with more noodles and wool.

have seen one that has been modified to incorparate an aquis 1200 so the outlet from the 1200 was the inlet for the built in

also must have been known by the designers, the cabinets have the holes for the external filter already

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