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Neon Tetra died overnight, betta being picked on too


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Hi guys. I'll fill out the form first.

1. Size of tank? 50L or about 13 Gallons.

2. Water parameters

a. Ammonia? 0.0

b. Nitrite? 0.0

c. Nitrate? Normal (had pet store do it)

d. pH, KH and GH? pH was 6.8, the others were normal (pet store again)

e. Test kit? API Liquid

3. Temperature? 26 Celsius, or 78 F

4. FW (fresh water) or BW (brackish)? FW

5. How long the aquarium has been set up? Since March

6. What fish do you have? Betta, Neon Tetras

How many are in your tank? 1 Betta, 9 Neons left now :(

How big are they? Averaged sized

How long have you had them? Since April after the tank was cycled.

7. Were the fish placed under quarantine period (minus the first batch from the point wherein the tank is ready to accommodate the inhabitants)? All put in at the sametime

8. a. Any live plants? Yes, an Amazon Sword, and two others I can't identify. Fake plants? None

b. Sand, gravel, barebottom? Gravel

c. Rocks, woods, fancy decors? Any hollow decors? Nothing fancy, a bulldozer, and a few bits of fake wood for caves that have been in the tank since I got it, and a pot that has also been in there since I got it.

9. a. Filtration? Marina Slimfilter S15

b. Heater?Aquaone 55W

10. a. Lighting schedule? Around 12 hours. What lights are used? All I can see is 15W Phillips.

b. Any sunlight exposure? Obliquely How long? Maybe an hour.

11. a. Water change schedule? Weekly

b. Volume of water changed? Between 30% and 50% - depends on water evaporation that week.

c. Well water, tap water, RO water? Tap Water

d. Water conditioner used? Yes - API Stress Coat

e. Frequency of gravel/sand (if any) vacuumed? Just along the front edge weekly.

12. Foods? TetraMin Tropical Granules, Aqua One Tropical flakes, other little treats like mossie larvae when I get my hands on it. The neons hate the flakes, always eat he granules.

How often are they fed? Usually twice daily.

13. a. Any abnormal signs/symptoms? I noticed the tetra last night hiding under a rock. I moved the rock, and he went swimming happily off, so thought nothing of it. This morning, he's dead, under a different rock.

b. Appearance of poop? Seems normal

c. Appearance of gills? Just below and under the gill area it is brown.

14. a. Have you treated your fish ahead of diagnosis? Nope

b. What meds were used?

15. Insert photos of fish in question and full tank shot if necessary.

I'm sorry, I can't get a good shot, they are all blurry :/

(The form is from another fish keeping website - thought it might save time to copy and paste it here)

So as I said above, I noticed this one tetra last night hiding under a rock in the gravel. I moved the rock, and he (or she) swam off, and went back to the school of tetras. The this morning, I come out, and he's on the other side of the tank, under a rock, obviously dead. So I pulled him out, and I the only thing I can see is the area under his gills, and back a bit is brown. He's a bit faded, but I assume that that is caused by the fact that he's no longer here.

I'm a bit sad, this is my first loss, and I'm glad I have a large school of them, otherwise my three year old would be asking questions :-?

But in saying that, I have noticed this morning that my betta has been picked on, his tail has been mauled, and he's taken to hiding under a log, and flaring and chasing off anything that comes too close. They've been getting on fine for several weeks now, and now this? :tears:

Any ideas and advice is gratefully received...

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It would be a bit unusual for the neons to nip at the betta's fins, maybe you have a bacterial bloom, is the water slightly cloudy??

also you state that the nitrate was "normal" I have customers that think 100ppm is normal. anything over 30ppm is very high in my books. also if you have a pH test kit do several tests over a few days at different times to see if there is any fluctuations.

also you state that you added fish after the tank was cycled, how was this accomplished??? you may have had an ammonia spike that has damaged the gills of the fish, stressing it out and eventually killing it after the ammonia spike has subsided.

Neons in general are hardy fish but unfortunately commonly get mistreated in shipping so they can arrive at your LFS in poor condition. they also have a tendancy to be dumped in a tank with a wait and hope mentality (dropping 50 -100 neons in a tank is a perfect example of only the strongest survive.)

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Twice Daily feeding shouldn't be necessary for the fish you keep... once a day is usually ample...

Tetra's are so inbred that they have their very own diseases, and sometimes can just pop their clogs for what can only be described as a loss of will to live...

The brown gills could be a sign of nitrite poisoning, but if that was the case, I'd expect the Betta to drop too...

a photo of the Betta in question will help determine if there is fin-rot or other disease that may be affecting it. I severely doubt that the tetra's would be causing the damage...

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Thank you for replying. :)

I've seen the Neons have a go at my Betta a few times, but now they seem to be ganging up on him - I'm watching them sneak up behind him and have a go at him.

I had a friend at Animates do the water testing for me, and the Nitrates was less than 30ppm. It was low, but not that low that there was no reading. I don't have a pH test kit, it's on my to get list.

I also did an Ammonia and Nitrites test before I posted, and both were still sitting at 0ppm.

I did a fishless cycle using a raw prawn. Waited til Ammonia spiked, and Nitrites kicked in, then waited til Ammonia and Nitrates were reading 0ppm, while there was trace Nitrate. I test for ammonia weekly (I'm a newbie, so am constantly worrying).

The water has been a bit cloudy, but it has been clear for the past day... I'm hoping he was just an old fish or something... The gills themsleves weren't brown either... but that could of been anything I'm guessing, like the way he was hiding under the rock etc...

I'll try and take a photo of him, but he's camera shy, and moves too damn quickly.

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I had a fighter and I think he was attacked as he looked really rough and beaten up one day and then slowly went down hill. If the tetra are having a go at him that's most likely the issue and you might need to think about giving him his own digs or isolating him as others have suggested.

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Ok, the other tetras are all ok, but I think there is something wrong with Freddy!

He's just sitting in one corner, literally on the gravel and the rocks. He doesn't want food - normally you can't get him away from it. He goes for the tetras if they get too close, but other than that, he's just sitting there.

Do I need to get a QT? And move him to see if that helps? (And if yes, is there anyone in TGA who can let me borrow one? Please? )

I can pop up a photo of him, its not perfect, but you might be able to see what I mean... I take it I have to link to the pic rahter than upload to the forum?

This is not how I imagined my first fish tank would go... I know it's not a walk in the park... but still :cry:

EDIT: He's not flaring at the mirror either. At all. No interest :/

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Right, I'll pick up the cheapest tank I can tomorrow, as I can't do anything else til then... Trademe here I come....

His tail fin does seem to look 'lacy' for lack of a better word. And I don't know whether this is important or not, but I just noticed on the glass of my tank there seems to be little white 'worms'? They are very tiny, and I just thought it was marks in the glass til I happened to see them move... Would this have anything to do with it??

Getting really worried now...

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Worms will be planarian, normally caused by over feeding. They are harmless but cut the amount you are feeding down and the fish should eat the worms.

The fighter may have tail rot. Look at the tail carefully and see if you can see any red streaks in it. If you can then is it bacterial and You will need Medication from the local fish shop to treat it. Isolate him, even a 2 litre ice cream container floated in the top of the tank will do. Fill with clean treated water and change twice daily. If it has been caused by the neons nipping at it and is at the early stage it will clear up and grow back in a few weeks.

Your neon, no idea but they are fairly good at dropping dead, ime anyway.

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If this is the quality of member here, I am well and truely impressed!

I joined the forum a few years ago and was off for a couple or so AND yes, someone offering you a tank to help...does not surprise me at all. Sometimes I wish I lived in New Zealand :P

How is Freddy doing? Any pics yet?

One of the many things I've learned here is that no matter what we do for our fish, they will die and sometimes without ever knowing why! Sad, but true.

Take care!

Caper :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Freddy is doing MUCH better, as soon as I had him separated, he perked right up!

I got rid of the tetras, found someone who wanted them, explained that one had died, but the rest seemed fine, she came and had a look, and said none of the others looked sick, so she was happy to take them.

So Freddy is back in his tank, got him some nice new decorations too. His tail is still short, but I think it is slowly growing back. I'll get some photos up soon :)

Thank you everyone!

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Freddy is doing MUCH better, as soon as I had him separated, he perked right up!

I got rid of the tetras, found someone who wanted them, explained that one had died, but the rest seemed fine, she came and had a look, and said none of the others looked sick, so she was happy to take them.

So Freddy is back in his tank, got him some nice new decorations too. His tail is still short, but I think it is slowly growing back. I'll get some photos up soon :)

Thank you everyone!

Glad to hear Freddy is doing better. Sad that you had to pass on the tetras though. I am still surprised that they were aggressive. Mine are laid back and peaceful.

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Hey guys, not the best photo, he was being little sod this evening, but here ya go.

You can see his tail is really short... it seems to be taking a while to grow back, I'm hoping it does, he had the most beautiful tail before he got attacked!


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