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Micron filter socks ?


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david beat me to it

get 100 to 200 micron. i tried 50 it was crazy easily blocked:D good clarity though lol

you can reuse them for ages.

awesome stuff.

make sure you let particle solutionz know that its for aquariums so they give you the FOOD SAFE socks!


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Just let you all know, I got some 100 micron socks from Ivan at Particle Solutions, very nice guy to deal with had the socks the next day by 9 am, fantastic service.

I got three socks, one in, one ready, and one being washed so I can cycle them weekly or when required.

Being a noob at marine I really dont know if this is right or wrong but......

I made up a little perspex holder for it last night and installed, I removed the fine and coarse filter sponges I had in sump, replumbed the out of protein skimmer to past through sock as well to take out the fine bubbles.

The result... GIN CLEAR water. :thup:

I dont know if there will be adverse reaction within water chemistry( i doubt it) but on the fine particulate level I have none.

A very pleasing result


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in marine they will need regular cleaning

and if not a portion in water any mysid or pods getting trapped will die

i have used them but just for a 24hr stint to polish water

Oh ignorace is bliss, not to be a pain LA but do you mind explaining this a little more for me please.

Are the mysid or pods the little white bugs that I see on the glass etc sometimes ?


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leaving a part of the sock dangling in sump water will keep these alive if the go through overflow

a new tank won't have many of them



food for fish


some of these guys aren't as nice


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Thanks LA, no problems with that happening, I'm thinking I have a good little supply of those little buggers in my tank already,

I see them crawling on the glass. Even though its only 6 week old system?

I did a little research on them and it appears theyre a good thing to have.


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, I removed the fine and coarse filter sponges I had in sump,

This is all hypothetical, But:

I wouldn't of done this myself, as now there is nothing stopping all the bigger particulates potentially blocking up your filter sock, and with enough pressure on them, potentially damage the weave.

I realise that you have 3 of them and plan to change them weekly, but it might be something to look out for, espescially if you are finding heaps of larger gears in there, and if your finding bits embedded in the weave...

You'll probably be sweet as, but just saying that it something to think about when you have such fine filtration...

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