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feedback on tank idea....


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this is just a Goal right now, nothing immediate but wanna discuss anyhow.

dimensins: 420cm length x 100cm width x 70 Height

according to some aquarium tools, it needs

13 mm glass, safety factor of 2.5

is that safe? i would assume it would be 15 mm, dont think they come in 13mm standard.

anyways, my idea was...

making this 14 foot tank, divided by glass in the middle, completely in the middle.

It would be one system, to maximise efficiency of heating and pump power use. and filtration.

option 1:

Illusion of one tank...

the 2 sides will have one type of arowana each showcasing them with out fighting issues, giving the illusion of 1 tank but actually 2 tanks in essense. Also, at the bototm, would be holes in semi circles cut out, enough to let fish like plecos, clown loaches, eels through. Larger fish and larger plecos will be confined to one area. but not letting arowana through.

option 2:

2 distinct tanks look but same system

Divider does not let any fish pass through, so each side can have different stocking themes and decor.

just a thought on the pros and cons of this set up, really an open forum to just throw ideas around.

tank can be built with plywood too as i only want the front for viewing.

its the concept of dividing i am throwing around, also the glass safety factor etc.

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Interresting ideas..

I found when dividing tanks where keeping fish of different sizes it's always difficult to decide the right opening size in the divider..

As the fish grow there will always be some that are around the size of the hole (or a little bit too big) and they will certainly try to go through which could lead to injury or death. And especially plecos could get stuck with their hard protruding bits.

So unless you have a clear distinction between big and small fish I would not do a divider where smaller fish could swim through.

Whatever the option sounds like an awesome setup though :bounce:

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interesting, yeah, i never really had dividers before.

i was thinking no holes on the divider except a few at the bottom with very smoothed out edges of course.

the return pump of sump would redistribute water evenly easily enough. 2 overflows, large high capacity overflows.

If the glass doesnt hvae holes on the higher parts, would the fish still damage its snout still? theyw ould challenge each other but i think it should stop after a while?

i guess alternative is, just divide it completely but still sharing the same system, maybe black glass and have 2 distinct set ups in one.

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yeah, it aint something i would build while renting dont think lol..... note i say DONT THINK. cos i may suddenly find the not so impulsive urge,

is there such a thing as a well planned impulse buy?.......... :sml1:

King's VIP Crossback is looking spectacular!!!


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