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Veges for plecos


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I have tried courgette, kumara...

they LOVE IT!

they dont like carrots

they attack courgette and kumara

just wondering for variety

anything else i can feed?

looking for tried and true veges people have actually used.

I am looking more to target the royal plecos L190 and L191

i am finding my 2 L128 is a HUGE fan of the kumara and courgette, snowball also loves it.

Royal i have seen eat the courgette but not the kumara yet but im sure it will

just looking for cheap veges to feed or should i just stick to courgette and kumara and not over complicate things?

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Just chuck anything in and see how it goes.

Some people have great success with tomato believe it or not.

All tyopes of squash, crushed peas, the list goes on. Give pumpkina go, be warned, if you leave it in too long you tank will cloud and it makes a terrible mess if is starts to fall apart.

I find cabbage and lettuce great for fry, although the lettuce tends to break up a lot quicker than the cabbage.

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I thought it was suggested not to use cabbage as they had difficulty digesting it?

You ought to be able to try any fruit or veg but be careful as many will foul the water quickly. I have found what BN's will eat (they are as close to a plec as I have) varies from fish to fish and, like humans, I imagine all fish are the same.

Oscars love bananas.

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as far as i know there shouldnt be a need to cook it, its pretty good and natural to do it raw.

my blue phantom loves to eat wafers and has a nice belly bump after eating

but i have never seen them pig out like this before, EVER.

the 2 blue phantoms bellys are definitely full.

snowball is also full, more so than with pellets.

in fact all of them are.

cactus and sunshine though dont really like it and prefer wafers and get full on that

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a good friend of mine uses an old kitchen knife and a float. He drills a hole in the end of the handle of the knife and attahces it to a float with a piece of fishing nylon. he then skewers a courgette on the knife and just pulls on the float when they've finished.

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a good friend of mine uses an old kitchen knife and a float. He drills a hole in the end of the handle of the knife and attahces it to a float with a piece of fishing nylon. he then skewers a courgette on the knife and just pulls on the float when they've finished.

Wouldn't a fishing sinker be better than a knife?

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