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Auckland fish keepers AGM March


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Just a reminder to all AFA members and prospective new members that the club will be having its AGM on the 13th March so please try keep that date free, think of any changes you would like made and any positions you may want to take in the club :)

Hopefully the AGM should be pretty quick and painless not too boring so don't be put off!

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Just a reminder that the Agm is still happening on the 13th March, hope to see all current members there and any new members are always welcome :)

If anyone has anything they want added to the agenda, wants to stand for a position within the club or has any suggestions on what they want the club to do please let us know :) even if you can't make it on the night it can be discussed.

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I thought that the 12th in the email sounded a little off, So 13th it is?

Consider yourself lucky to get the email. Mine must have detoured via Mars. Its not an uncommon occurance you know :D Often emails I send to Caryl take the long way round or disappear into cyberspace!!

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Sorry, I can't make it either.

Was hoping to finish off production today and make the meeting, but unforseen things means I can't finish today.

Have a great meeting

OH NO!! No chocolate cake then! Now I will have to cook my own dinner :(

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Dear Auckland Fishkeeper Association members

We had a good meeting although it was pretty short on attendees. There are a few easy care positions left unfilled which I will list below and I do hope that some of our absentees will offer to fill the slots. As they say many hands make light work and these are minor positions -

Vice President

Breeding Co-ordinator

Editor (if you want a local newsletter)

We also still require two delegates to represent the club at conference to be held in Hamilton this Queens Birthday weekend and also to attend the FNZAS on line executive meetings. Please apply in writing to ...... :rotf:

but seriously we do need volunteers to fill these positions. Please consider giving a small amount of time to the club.

A reminder that club subs are due now. Subs remain the same as last year.


your lucky new AFA Secretary

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How many were there?

And who's the President-elect?

Hi, I'm sorry you were unable to come to the meeting

I'm composing an email to send to all members with all relevent info but here are the officers

President - Ryan

Secretary - myself & also editor but see the email for further info on that one

Treasurer - Sarah

Committee - Odelia

Are you interested in doing Breeding Co-ordinator again?

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I can be breeding coordinator for the Club since I am the current National Breding coordinator, and I can volunteer for the club rep at conference.

Will email you with regards to this.


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