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Apistogramma cacatuoides 'Orange Flash'


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That black on the pelvic fins is so the female can signal her fry. When all else fails, I tend to go with that as one of the stronger sex indicators (if the fins get really black) and there are no other features which contradict the suspicion! :roll:

Gorgeous fish btw. !drool:

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I bought these as A. cacatuoides 'Orange' from Organism in Christchurch. They were $45.00 each which is pretty good. Hollywood Fish Farm has them for $40.00 and sells them as 'Triple Red' although it is quite obvious that they are not.

And if you think that they are really cool now, they still have tonnes of growing to do and will get much more colourful :happy2: The male is approx. 35mm SL and the other ones are even smaller!

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Nice fish! It is good to see some good quality orange flashes around, I haven't seen ones that good for quite a few years..

I agree with your sexing stuff, on top of the black edging to the pelvic fin another sign is squaring of the tail fin, probably a bit hard with these ones because the smaller ones have been a bit battered but looks promising.

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They're really cool aren't they? !drool: I have $200 left and I'm not sure if I should get some more of these, or maybe some of the Super Reds or A. pertensis, or just leave it... I originally wanted the Super Reds but apparently there weren't any females so I decided on the Orange Flash. But I kind of still want to take a chance and see if I could get at least a pair of the SRs. My tank is 90x38x38cm. I have macmasteri in there but they will be going into the 140L blackwater tank once I get the substrate sorted out and when the bogwood arrives. Mmm, what to do...

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Nice fish Joe. I haven't seen orange flashes for years so its good to see them again. Best of luck with them.

The domestic strains of cacatuoides don't always follow the rules as far as colouration and fin shape go so its tougher to tell than it is with wilds but I would bet on you having both sexes on those photo's.

:smot: I am still waiting on conformation of A. pertensis. Have you seen them?

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Cool :thup: That does look like pertensis. Hopefully someone will buy some and breed them. I for one want some, but I can't get every Apisto I want otherwise my tanks would be full and I won't have room for others that might be imported :( IMO it's best to wait for the ones that I really want to be imported, so I'm 100% happy with everything I have. The pertensis look nice and are a very tempting purchase, but I need to focus on breeding what I have at the moment rather than just buying everything I see. I want to wait until bitaeniata are imported again, or a hardy trifasciata gene :) So at this stage I won't be buying any more Apistos for the time being :(

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Thats a real shame but unfortunately the way of so many apistogramma posts.

I feel your pain, I have 20 female agassizi without any males and a tankfull of what looks like male trifasciata with no girls.

Fingers crossed for you getting a girl or two.

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