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Hey guys, i joined ages ago but never really plucked the courage to post often.

But im in need of your help...

I recently (1 & 1/2 weeks ago) got some kribs for my 100L community tank. A male and female, just the two. However ever since i put them in the tank, the male krib fitted in well, he swims around like a happy chap, vibrant in colour, eating food and moving gravel.

However... whenever he sees the female he chases her constantly to the point where now the female just floats mid way up the tank with no colour in her body at all, looking through the glass, being inactive literally just suspended in mid..well water.

When he's out of her sight...she moves around a little bit (not much though). She just looks unhappy with no colour in her body (Note she did have colour when i originally brought her)

Should I seperate them for a while??? and then re-introduce them into the tank. Also the tank is only lightly stocked with 10 neon tetras, 10 glow lights and two female swords.

Much help would be appreciated :)

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Where they a pair when you bought them or just a random male and female. If they were just a random couple might take them a while to get to know each other. You could of broken him up with his original missus which he might not be too happy about??? Id certainly keep an eye on her specially if he starts nipping.

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They were two brought from HFF just separately. There is also 4-5 caves ive made...the male has chosen to take them all lol if he happens to see anyone in any of the cages he'll race along and boot them out. Hence why the female krib lingers at the top of the tank.

This morning she has a bit more colour to her. But she's still just floating near the top end of the tank..while he's happy as larry with his dominated land down the bottom haha.

Ill keep an eye on them for a while... no fin-age had been hurt or damaged just yet. But ill keep an eye out and report back for now???

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Ok so... woke up this morning to find her fins all damaged and huddled in the very bottom corner with him still abusing her. :(

So i decided to move him out. Left her in the tank?? Hoping that was the right thing to do?

Also do you think after a few days/week i could possibly add him back in to the tank?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well i separated them for a week.. and re-introduced them together on Monday (5 days ago).

They got along fine! and Now shes guarding about 100 eggs in the ceramic pot!!! :happy2:

Seems they got over the domestic violence this week and got along just fine hahaha :P

Cant wait for them to hatch!

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Thanks Adrienne! :D

Thought id let you guys know that the eggs have hatched/bouncing around and squirming. There not free-swimming yet but heres hoping they end up doing so! :happy2:

Mummy seems to be incredibly protective but the tetras and harlequins don't even know that there babies in the tank yet as they haven't had a chance at swimming to the bottom of the tank as mum or dad chases them back up. Its really interesting to watch.

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