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dead WCMM


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Found one of my WCMM floating in the tank this morning when I was about to do my bi-weekly partial water change just before leaving for work. Been a week since I did a census so I can't be absolutely sure this did not happen earlier. Ammonia is 0 according to the seachem sensor stuck inside the tank ( 180L, 6 other WCMM sourced a month ago, and 5 goldfish ). Running 3 filters ( an internal one to give a little current for the WCMM, and an Aquaclear 50 HOB, and a box filter.


Fins, eyes, and coat look good, but abdomen looks quite distended. Ascites?

Did a 25% water change and wondering if I need to do anything else .... other tank mates seem fine in the short time I had to scan them.

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Ammonia reader rated for a year, and only a month old. Checked against the API test kit and correlates.

Just wondering if I needed to do anything for the other fish like add tonic salt ... some sites say it's an old treatment and not necessary.

I do have a canister filter rated for 2000L/hour but I thought I would freak out the wife if I installed that in the kitchen so it's in storage in Napier :( I got the box filter as it is much quieter than an air stone, and the HOB water output runs against some craft canvas to stop the water fall noise which was disturbing her while cooking :(

Goldfish - 2 comets, 2 calicos and 1 Oranda .. all quite young ( ooops .. forgot about the 2 black moors )

I will move the goldfish to a larger tank when they get bigger!

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Yes, they're all fancy goldfish apart from the 2 comets. A neighbour has a goldfish pond ... perhaps I can slip them into there one night :gigl:

I had the black moors in their own tank as I read that their poor eye sight prevents them competing for food against the normal eyed fish, but have watched them carefully and they seem to be able to get a fair share. The comets don't seem to be eating more than any other goldfish.

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