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Largest Tropical Fish Help


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I would say that it's a toss-up between silver arowanas (nearly 3ft) and fire eels (3ft or more), if you're talking about pure length. For length and girth, my picks would be oscars, giant gouramis, tinfoils.

I'm sure that there are heaps more out there, but these are all that come to mind off the top of my head lol.

Are you planning a mega tank??

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always weird when someone posts a question like this and suddenly stop scommenting or participating in the thread..... strange :dunno:

anyhow, by far, the largest fish you can get in my opinion is a PACU.

a pacu will grow MASSIVE, and readily available and cheap too.

A pacu by weight, size and appetite will trub any fish i know that is COMMONLY available in nz so far. they are awesome!

but HUGE!

they also grow fast unlike giant gouramis, when a certain size, growth tapers dramatically. pacus will grow and grow provided a good tank size and lots of food.

problem is, how big is your tank?

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Thanks everyone,

I went to a local fish room the other weekend and was amazed at one of his fish, im thinking it may have been a pacu, it was as big as the average snapper if not bigger and a nice golden/yellow color, similar to a severum.

Anyway it got me interested, im thinking i might get a 2mx1mx1m tank for the lounge.

an eel would be nice but if they're anything like the khuli loach... then ill get bored very quickly with it lol.

a pacu or a couple oscar's might be on the cards.

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Thanks everyone,

I went to a local fish room the other weekend and was amazed at one of his fish, im thinking it may have been a pacu, it was as big as the average snapper if not bigger and a nice golden/yellow color, similar to a severum.

No yellow/gold pacus as far as I know. Sounds like it was more likely a giant gourami?

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Clown knife fish (feather back) can get real big, saw one close to 3ft once in singapore , other knife fish can get reasonable size too. Datnioides (tiger fish) can get to a reasonable size as can some eels eg tyre track, fire eel, plecs can get big too , depending on species. Pink tailed chaceus get to about 25cm and are predatory.You used to be able to get reasonable sized catfish in nz like sorubim lima shovelnosed catfish and others but they are not allowed now, the ones that are still around have a hefty price tag, if you can find them at all!? I got offered a huge Leiarus marmoratus catfish back in the late 90's for $300 didnt have the money so had to decline. Its probably worth a small fortune now! I want a wels myself but have to convince wife to move to uk for that to happen.

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If you could legally keep all nz cold water fish, both native and introduced, you could have an awesome monster setup!We all know the reasons why keeping most of these fish species is not allowed but it is fun to imagine. You could choose from perch, grass carp, koi carp, orfe, rudd,giant kokopu, banded kokopu, short jawed kokopu,koaro,rainbow trout, brown trout,mackinaw, char, giant bully, black flounder, shortfinned and longfinned eels,bullhead catfish,tench, wild goldfish and all the carp hybrids and trout hybrids too. You would need a huge tank for some of them and a very efficient chiller and many couldn't be kept together either due to varying habits and lifestyles but would be interesting!

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