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Hey all :wave:

I have had aquariums for 5 years now, and during that time I have progressed though tadpoles/frogs --> axolotls --> goldfish and finally hit the mark with tropical fish. I currently have two tanks in operation, a 75l blue planet lagoon and a 40l aquastart pro 340. My 75l has been running for a few of years now, but my 40l only one year. I have a 120l in storage I would love to have going as well but unfortunately my flatmate put her foot down :sage:

I have been lurking on the boards for a while now and have learnt so much! I really look forward to asking some questions and joining in on some discussions. When I stumbled across you experts I felt like I had only just uncovered the tip of the iceberg!

My 75l is home to a silver shark called Bruce, 7 young mollies, 3 guppies, a breeding pair of bristlenoses and 5 swordtails who are in the process of being re-homed. My 40l is currently a fry tank with baby swordtails, guppies and baby bristlenoses.

Hmmm about me personally? Not much to know really. Im a vet nurse and a uni student, this year being my last year of study. I love kung fu movies and swimming, and am currently managing the fish department at our LFS during my summer break. So Im also hoping to get some more in depth details and advice that I can pass onto customers some day :) So, yeah, that's a bit about me. I can't wait to get started here!! :thup:

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Thank you :happy2:

Haha I can only imagine how many sharks have the name bruce! Any yes unfortunately I know I need to re-home him :( I got him with my very first fish tank, I was told by the LFS he would be fine, and that was only a 30l! :facepalm: I upgraded to my 75l not long after. When I move into my new flat at the end of January, I will be taking him to the pet shop in Palmerston North, unless I can re-home him on trade me.

I very much wish I could use him to set up my big tank! But alas it is not meant to be, so I will be parting ways with him soon. Strange how attached you can get to fish. &c:ry However I want to do the best for him :wink:

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