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How to take photos like a man...


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Step 1: See monster, scream like a little girl and run away.

Step 2: Grab camera and run back.

Step 3: Trap monster in wheelbarrow.


Step 4: Find wheelbarrow ineffective at containment.


Step 5: Getitoffgetitoffgetitoff!


Step 6: Attempt to hide as it passes by.


Step 7: Monster inexplicably stands still.


Step 8: Back away slowly and hope monster leaves peacefully.


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Sweet macro! Great photos and story! :lol:

Those weren't macros, they were taken with a wide angle lens!

I posted them on another board based in the US. A few posts mentioned the "Giant stinger", I told them it's not a giant stinger, it's an ovipositor used to inject eggs into people's chest cavities while they sleep.

So far they seem to believe me.

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