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How to get rid of Green Water?


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I found a uv filter to be the best solution some times it is really hard to find a reason and to get rid of it. I try'd all sorts on a display tank (water testing, water changes, reducing light etc) one week with a uv filter sorted it out after over a month of trying other things and it didn't come back.

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If it was only the wafers that caused it as a one off you could try grabbing a net full of daphnia from one of the troughs at cornwall park, and plop em in to eat it. Then when your fish go in they will eat them. I'd recommend a sort of rinse in tank water elsewhere before you put them in though just in case. I only ever got hydra from stuff I got from the river but I think my tanks got freshwater limpets from the troughs. They aren't a big deal but since you're setting up a new tank I'd better tell you of the risks of Trough Fishing :smln: If you are coming on Sat I could give you some of my pre-cleaned daphnia.

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I had a sudden outbreak of green water. I turned off my lights for 36 hours, and did a 30% water change. That fixed it! I've since cut down the time my lights are on...but you'd have to be more careful no doubt, because your tank is planted.

Anyway - problem solved for free!

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accu clear works well in the short term

+1 if you know what caused the outbreak in the first place then this is great quick-fix solution. Simply don't make the same mistake again.

I had a similar experience after leaving zuchinni in for too long and I simply used accu clear and it never happened again afterwards. If it does happen again then you need to figure out how what is going on, fix it then dose the accu clear. It is also great because the fish don't mind it at all - I had native shrimp and Otocinclus in the tank when I dosed and had zero casualties!

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