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Weird creatures have invaded my plec tank


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Found around 50+ strange creatures in one of my plec tanks.




Apparently these guys are slow growers? Mine are around a month old. Some are bigger than others. Some are also very pale. They've been getting fed wardly tablets, little bit of novo pleco (its for the adults but i've seen them trying to eat them) and a bit of vege.

Just bagged them up to move to a proper grow out tank.

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BN will change colour quite dramatically, depending on mood, background aeration etc

If you feed em well you can maximise growth, blanched zucchini works well, buy requires regular changing and good hygine.

Adding some Decap brine shrimp eggs every two days gives a good growth boost

I have found even more aeration than normal really helps keep these wee guys healthier.

If you are going to consider breeding and growing out more in the future a small tank with a sponge filter sitting ready and waiting will help you through the critical first 30 days.

I'd recommend a bare bottomed tank for hygine reasons. when you are growing out give the bottom a rub with a paint brush daily to loosen the sludge that will form. a 10% daily water change makes a massive difference to growth.

If you are really keen and you get them as soon as they are free swimming, have the tank nice and green, encourage algae growth on the glass by runnning a warm white lamp over the tank, and only clean enough off the front so you can keep an eye on them, they will graze continually on this algae and do really well.

I have done this successfully from a batch I removed on day 1 and had zero losses and great growth.

Once they start breeding they wont stop and you will soon have so many you will be giving them away.


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slightly off topic Q, but I have found one of my GBA babies to have a considerably shorter tail than the rest, the fin is almost directly after the body.

Is this a common deformaty? the little one seems to be healthy and happy, even a little cute, wonder if I can breed a short tail golden bristle nose species =p

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