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A Few Breeding Questions


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Ok so here we go

For the first time I am going to try breeding fish on purpose instead of them just appearing in my com. tank.

I have 5 questions atm but will be adding more to this thread as they arise.

to answer type 'A' and the number question your answering to save typing time.



If I was to spawn diff fish separatlyand then put them all in the same grow out tank would they be ok?

looking at panda corys, GBAs and angels.


Will GBAs and Panda Corys eat angel fry?


will GBA fry eat white worms?


will dim lighting affect their growth


If I use A planted tank as a grow out, what are some big no nos?

i.e. types of substrate, types of plants/ ferts, strong flow

Thanks heaps guys



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Ok so here we go

For the first time I am going to try breeding fish on purpose instead of them just appearing in my com. tank.

I have 5 questions atm but will be adding more to this thread as they arise.

to answer type 'A' and the number question your answering to save typing time.



If I was to spawn diff fish separatlyand then put them all in the same grow out tank would they be ok?

looking at panda corys, GBAs and angels.


Will GBAs and Panda Corys eat angel fry?


will GBA fry eat white worms?


will dim lighting affect their growth


If I use A planted tank as a grow out, what are some big no nos?

i.e. types of substrate, types of plants/ ferts, strong flow

Thanks heaps guys



Most adult/teenage bottom dwellers wether by mistake or not can come across fry and suck them up, but if you have good parents they should do a decent job keeping them away from the fry. I think for the most part, at least in the beginning you will be fine growing them out all together. Just make sure you do plenty of small water changes and plenty of fry foods like BBS and fresh vege for the GBA's, shrimp pellets work as well, Bare bottom tank would be best if your going to feed live foods like white worms and the GBA should find them on the bottom and will chow down if they don't have time to disappear into a substrate. Dim light shouldn't effect anything accept plant growth as long as there is some form of day time for them. All my fry live in planted tanks but that's because i have food holders at the top and adult fish in the tanks, so they eat as they go, without letting any live food spoil in the gravel. just normal substrate and common plants, i don't use co2 or additives of any kind.

Hope this helps and good luck on the breeding

Do you have a large culture of white worms?

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While you can grow out any combination of fry I wouldn't really suggest it. Perhaps Pandas and Angels will do fine together as they are both carnivores, however GBAs are herbivores so really shouldn't be kept with them.

The GBAs you can leave in the tank with their parents, its actually much easier that way. Feed them lettuce leaves that have been soaked in boiling water for a minute, dont boil them, just soak. The Corys you will want to do very regular feeding and water changes for the first 2 weeks, feeding microworms and BBS (others feed Decaps Brine Shrimp Eggs but mine didn't go for it). I haven't bred angels so I cant help you out there, Im sure someone else will point you in the right direction.

Ive heard if you raise Angels in taller tanks they get higher fins so that might be something you could look into.

My 2 cents worth

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I used to breed thousands of angels and corries and raised the offspring in bare tanks. Spawn the corries in a bare tank and they will act as better cleaners than snails, then add baby angels when free swimming. Feed both on brine shrimp nuplii and microworms. I have not added gba but they should be OK if you add vegetable food. You would need a large tank to raise a good spawning of all three together. A bare bottom tank makes it a lot easier to control waste and excess food. Hang a 150x150mm piece of slate near the top of the tank and the angels will probably spawn on that, then remove the eggs to a small tank with a drop of meth blue and an airstone. They can't get eaten if you remove them. Feed them every time you walk past the tank and do a water change on the way back.

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The old saying works pretty well. Feed them every time you walk past the tank and water change on the way back. With bare bottom tanks you can afford to overfeed a bit if you siphon the excess off before feeding again. Good water gives good growth and fins. Short burned off fins in angels is bad water and overcrowding.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys another angel breeding question here, well more of a breeding problem lol.

Ok so I have set up my tank and am trying to breed my silver angels who have already laid eggs twice before in my com. tank.

But every time I went to catch them they would huddle with my other 2 Silvers and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

I pretti sure I know which are the males and females, 2 of each, and have put all 4 in the 150L breeding tank for now till I can see who is who.

Here's the problem. It seems to me that the females are sticking together and casing the males to opposite ends of the tank.

Can you pair up any male and female or do they "bond" to the spacific fish? Because I'm thinking of just findind the dom. male and putting him in with one of the females and cross my finigers

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You should get two more angels of similair size if the tank permits and some dither fish in there, livebearers will do, plenty of spots they can hide or breed on, plenty of plants, water changes and live foods or whatever is handy. Adding more angels will help balance the agression, as well as dither fish, which move fast and are bright etc, helps distract aggresive fish. This way you may end up with more pairs, but are garunteed atleast one pair. When one pair is succesful, remove remaining fish and find out if they have the stuff it takes to be good parents!

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yea but then I need places to put those other fish lol

I think I figured out who was who. the pair has spawned a few times already just didn't have a tasnk suitable.

I've put all my GBA babies in as their to big to be mouth size any more and they'll love the room

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