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Advice about how many fish in a school (added some photos)


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I have a blue planet vista 160 litre tank. Currently it is planted and I hardly see my fish except for my harlequins cause they are a nice big school of 15 :D I would like to have more schools of 15 but are not sure how many more I can have. I currently have 5 rummynoses (don't wish to get a school of them so will let these die off) 15 Harlequins, 2 glasscatfish,2 chocolate zebra hypans and 5 little ottos. Could you guys please advice me which and how many schools I can add to my tank to make it more alive.

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ill take the rummy nose then 8) dont want them to just die off

lol I did not mean it in an ugly way, I just meant I won't replace the ones that died to keep a school of them. I will just let these die naturally like I did the danio's the one lived for three years on its own before dying. But you are welcome to them if you want them :thup:

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As in more than one species?

A large shoal of a single species will usually look better. I'd get more harlequins; but few fish rival the beauty of a lot of tiger barbs.

Yes I was thinking of three schools of 15 small type fishies like the harlequins, cause its beautiful too see them school together between the plants. Are tiger barbs aggresive? I am just not sure how many schools my tank can handle, I do not want to overstock it.

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Just took a photo of my tank so you guys can see how planted it is, that probably plays a factor in the amount of schools as well :wink:


Took this photo with all the lights off except the tank lights and no flash. But I seriously need a new camera so I can take better pics :facepalm:

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I am heading out to Hollywoods tomorrow. Do you guys think another two schools will be ok in my tank. I consider a school to be 15 fish like my harlequins. Are tigerbarbs agressive or will they be friendly in my tank :wink:

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A lot of fish don't school properly unless they are in a really big group. I don't think 3 schools will all school in 3 different, specific groups. I too would suggest a single large group of harlequins. These fish are amazing to look at as they colour up a lot more in a much bigger group than if you just have 10 - 20 of them.

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From what I've read Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae school really well.

I think you should get Five-banded or Rhombo Barbs. IMO they're much nicer looking that Tiger Barbs, plus they have a lovely iridescent green gloss on their scales and they shouldn't pick on other fish, whereas Tiger Barbs seem to have a reputaion for being a bit troublesome. The shop here has some Five-banded Barbs (10 I think) and they school really nicely :thup:

If you don't want barbs just go for Cardinal Tetras because they are sooo awesome and they school reasonably well :D

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Oooh tomorrow is gonna be interesting, I will take all you said in mind and let you know what happened tomorrow night :thup:

I love the idea of a super big harlequin school, but then again I would like some variety in the tank, but I will make my decisions as I browse around in the shop.

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Well the above clip and several others made me make up my mind. I will go with 30 more Harlequins, Ooooh its gonna look amazing. I can't wait :love: I never thought just one type of fish could make such an impact, thought it would look a bit borring but it looks super !!!

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They should live, I doubt it's life threatening. So long as the fish isn't in any pain or suffering then they're fine :)

The one with no eyes have figured out the size of the tank now, he will have to figure it out again when he goes into the main tank, only thing I am worried about is whether he will get enough food, I guess only time will tell. The one with only one eye is doing ok, being able to see out of his eye, he is a bit late with turning with the whole school, but he catches up with them again. My son (12) named the no eyes one Zombie, so he is going to stay until he is ready for the big fishbowl in the sky, I see no reason of gettting rid of the poor fish just because they got attacked and lost their eyes. I love them equally :love:

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