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Breeding neon tetras


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Today I got some more neons with plans to breed them. I understand the parents need conditioning first probally with white worms is easiest?(if anyone has a start up culture send me a pm). Then you put the neons into a tank slightly acidic and soft water(how do I do this?) marble substrate a few fake plants water temperature about 23C if I understand. Usig rain water is suggested I heard(what does this do?) the neons breed at dawn or dusk to my understanding. Then remove parents once eggs have been laid. Blacken/darken the tank bc the eggs are light sensitive. After a few days they should be free swimming. Feed them green water or infusoria and after a week or so? Feed them microworms. Any more suggestions? Thanks

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rain water it normally very soft thats why its used. can also use distilled water mixed in with tap water or RODI water or a water softner bag you can get from your LFS.

have you read the cardinal tetra article on breeding cardinals? its the same process you need to youse to breed them


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Ok thanks so little light dark with eggs feed them up with bbs remove Parents once eggs born 26C temp lid so fish don't jump out rain water peat moss bare or marble substrate some fake plants and once fry are free swimming feed infusoria/green water and after a week any mOre suggestions

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It is probably easier to see any eggs if you use a stainless steel net rather than marbles. A small shallow tank is all you need. You will need to make sure you have a male and female (They are temperature sensitive as to sex so many batches are the same sex)and they go better as teenagers rather than oldies. The eggs are not light sensitive but the fry are. 23-24 degrees will give mainly females.The first spawning of eggs will probably be calcified and no good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah good advice here. i've spawned glowlights and neons. i found with a good breeding set up they spawned just as readily but glowlights just have more eggs (the females should look like whales if ripe :)) one other tip i heard is to let some morning sunlight in as a spawning trigger but it's not necessary. goodluck

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