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New Mosses


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Hey everyone,

One weekend ago I went down to a local river and found these mosses, which are all doing quite well in my tank.

Mini Fissidens



I found this already attached to a small rock


Another cool moss


Willow Moss


If these continue to do well then hopefully I will then be able to pass some on to other people to have a go with :)


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No not peacock moss (I wish though :( ) I've had it previously but I had a large algae outbreak which killed it. I have also tried the other two but I nothing really happened with them and they just died off eventually. But they seem to be doing really well this time round :)

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Hey Joe,

I sent this thread to a friend of mine who is interested in aquatic mosses. He says the first three photos look like Fissidens rigidulus which is the most widespread and common Fissidens species.

Your fourth picture, labelled 'another cool moss', is apparently Fissidens berteroi. My friend thinks there aren't any known sites of this plant in the South Island, so this is potentially a rather exciting find! (ok, exciting for moss geeks). He is sending this on to some moss geeks and says that DOC would be interested to know of the site as well, all these things help with protecting places. Very cool :)

Collecting from the wild can open various cans of worms. In the case of mosses it seems there are plenty of threatened ones. Many are on the threatened list simply because we know very little about them, but they may be 'genuinely' threatened as well. Ideally you should know what you are collecting before you collect it, but because there aren't that many people interested in native aquatic mosses it can be difficult finding information to help identify the different species. Difficult!

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