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I have just managed to wipe the whole May Aquarium World - which was just having the finishing touches added to it :-? :cry:

I have unplugged the external drive so hopefully Grant will be able to retrieve a copy from there as it does an auto backup every 4 hours or something so, assuming it is working properly, it will be there.

Oh dear :tears: &c:ry

It is times like this I wish I drank as I could do with a stiff drink :roll:

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In this case PhotoRec would not work.

The computer is supposed to do an auto back-up daily (and claimed it was). When Grant last checked it at the end of March it was doing so. Perhaps he did something to it as it obviously hasn't worked since! :-?

I did not accidentally delete it (that would have been easy to fix) but I overwrote it. Went to Save As and when it asked if I was sure, I said yes. As soon as I clicked it I realised it was wrong (I had both the magazine and the cover open at the same time and had been working between one and the other and had meant to save the cover but selected the mag name instead) but no matter how loudly I screamed "NO! I MADE A MISTAKE! STOP!!!! it did not listen :facepalm: &c:ry

Grant has retrieved all but 13 pages of it. Of course of those 13 pages, which had about 6 different articles from memory, 2 were written by me so I don't have a copy. One of them had taken over a week to sort, write, check, contact others for confirmation of facts etc. If only I had sent a copy to Donna (as a lot had to do about her experiences with getting the turtles out of the quake zone) for checking I would have a copy for her to send back but I had not yet done so. :tears:

Luckily I have a couple of articles ready to go into the August mag so I can use them instead then laboriously re-write the other, which was about 6 pages on its own.

Thank you to those in Chat last night who were offering possible solutions. :hail:

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:facepalm: :tears: Oh No Caryl!!!! Thats awful!!!! I almost asked you for a copy too but didnt want to pressure you! Next time I will........any luck retrieving anything? I've still got 'emails' but thats not really much good..... :facepalm: :(:(

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Thanks Donna but I have all the emails etc I used to write the article so will have to start again. It has meant a rewrite of those 13 pages and some that was going in May will now be in Aug and some Aug stuff will go in May.

Grant has discovered the backup problem (a fault in the HD or something) and thinks he has it sorted. I mow have 2 backups going but notihing to retrieve about 2 weeks worth of work &c:ry

I had done a followup on quake proofing and the saga of rehoming all those turtles. It was those two that had taken the longest to do. There was also a small bit about poisonous frogs and a piece expanded on from an idea from Dominique (KMAC sec).

The others were emailed so I only have to reformat them. I think the magazine will still be out on time just that I will be a little frazzled. :nilly:

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Actually tracytrout, since you asked... you were going to do an article about your nigripinnis (that was Feb 2010). Have you progressed with it at all? :wink:

I still have the photos you took, waiting for an accompanying article 8)

I have been working steadily since the stuff-up and am pleased to say that I have finished it!!! AGAIN :happy2: :happy1: :bounce:

I used the articles that had initially arrived too late to fit into the May edition and were ready to go in August. Now all I have to do is rewrite the ones I lost and put them into the next issue. This gives me a bit more time.

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