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New Tank Pics


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Excellent, nice to see some many health sps. I am sure you had a few breakages of corals on the move, how about sending me some. Happy to return the favor :)

I am just starting to enjoy watching my corals attach to their bases and rocks now, been about 4 weeks I guess. Also watching a few of my dark browns just now starting to really lighten up. Doesn't take long.

The table acro looks like a really nice coral, great shape and growth pattern.

Looks like that softie on the left bottom is getting quite large, though you might have got rid of it in the move. I thought about not tranporting mine but I have to much of an emotional attachment to it now :)

Happy to see more photos, looking great.


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Yeah, that white polyped leather is about 15" across when at it's best. I didn't want to get rid of it because it would look great to have a huge leather in the new tank. Problem is it could easily grow to 2 foot across before I get the new tank up and running.

Pies, i have a few frags of that yellow acro, and i'm sure I could frag a few more or my corals if you want some. Let me know which ones you would like, and I'll see what I can do. I could send some Millepora (fire coral) It grow's like a weed that stuff, pretty cool shape, even if it is brown/orange.


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Hey Layton-

Looking amazing!! :hail:

Those acros have grown heaps since the last time I was over at your place. I will have to stop over again soon to see it first hand and pick up the frag "with my name on it". :D

I just getting ready to redo my tank. I'm moving it to another room to get it out of the HOT conservatory, redo the aquascape because I can't stand it as it is now and really need to clean up all the ghetto DIY BS. I want to tap your wealth of knowledge/experience from your latest move.



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My monitor is already calibrated perfectly. I work (among other things) with creative professionals in prepress, and have a spectrophotometer for profiling monitors and also inkjet proofers etc. So my monitors are all calibrated to ICC colourspace.


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I am no expert (only had my camera 6 months) but have found you need plenty of light in the tank, get the camera as close to the glass as possible, keep it as still as possible (tripod if possible) and I like taking pics at night with all the curtains closed and room lights off to stop reflections.

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All of the photos i've been taking of the new tank are all hand held (tripod is hidden somewhere). I typically use auto focus, manual depth of field, delayed flash. If the halides are on, I try if possible to angle the camera slightly high to increase the amount of light getting to the camera, white ballance adjusted -3 or -7 and AEL.

Getting some pretty good results, then take that 8mb file, crop it and reduce it down to 100k jpg :(

I would love to get a remote flash, but the olympus ones are quite expensive given how little I would use it :/


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You should be able to get some good results with the G5. I tried a G5 for a while before buying the C5050Z. The 8080 is a great camera, Ive had a good play with one recently and the ikelite underwater housing with full TTL looks like its all the business too.

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A few more pics taken today.

A great shaped acro, has been brown for months but now the tips are turning purple. Apparently it was solid purple when imported. Slow grower.


Fire Coral (Millepora), had a few blisters from it's sting, reasonably powerful. Grows fast.


Sohal Tang



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  • 2 weeks later...

I find it best to take shots only whan the Actinics are on and at night.

You stand back a touch and use full zoom with Macro on.

Move in and the focus will be blurry.

Start moving out and focussing avery few inches until you get crystal focus. That's it.

Also use your flash, but you have to half block the flash with your hand so as to not over flash the subject. Or if you have an expensive digital with swivel flash just turn it sideways abit.

Can be difficult but gets awesome results.

Dont try this if you don't have a digital.

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