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What can be done in a 15w T8 Two foot tank


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Just to show people what is possible with just a standard two footer with a single 15 T8 flouro 6500K.


Plants include

Tiger Lotus- Nymphaea lotus

Ambulia- Limnophila sessiliflora

Cryptocoryne wendtii

Hemianthus micranthemoides - Pearl Weed

Anubias minima

Anubias barteri var. nana

aponogeton undulatus

Substrate is just plain black pea gravel with a few JBL 7 balls.

Lighting is 12 hours approx ( I manual switch on when I get home from work at about 6.30ish then off again when I first get up.)

No ferts other than fish poop and filtration is a sponge fliter and a small submersed filter(aqua one)

Stocked with

4 X Sterbai Cories

1 X BN male

2 X Apisto Cacatuoides

6 X Longfin Zebra Danios

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Thanks, I has taken a while to get it to a photographable state. The plants grow far slower so training them and getting them to bush out takes a bit longer. I will try update as it grows out a bit more. I think it needs some colour but that will be hard in a low light tank.

I forgot to add Xmas Moss to the plant list. Hiding behind the Lotus.

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Yes that tank definately has to have Crypt. affinis :hail:

Cryptocoryne willisii would look nice too, because it has really nice glossy leaves and doesn't need a lot of light. And Crypt. cordata would also look nice because of it's unusual creamy-coloured leaves, which will add more variety, texture and colour to your tank :)

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