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Heaters on or off for Summer time


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I had a very rude awakening at about two this morning when my alarm on my fishtank went off warning me my water has gone above 28 degrees. It was 28.3 and I had to open up windows, doors and put a fan infront of the tank to cool it down, managed to get it down to only 28.1 before I was just to tired to stay up any longer. I noticed today that its 27.6. My tank is supposed to run on 26 degrees max and 24 degrees miniumum. What do you guys do in summer time, do you leave your heaters on in the tank, or do you switch them off and take them out?

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Thanks everyone. We were home allday so the flow through the house kept the room temperature down. But later the afternoon we locked up and went to the movies, came home after ten and went to bed. So the house was all closed from about 3pm onwards. First thing I checked was that the heaters were on and off, both were off, so it was due to room temperature, My heaters are all set to 26 degrees. We are considering getting a heatpump to cool the house in summer and heat it in winter, will look into it a bit more now. For now I have the fan going and lights in the tank off. I am due to do a 30% waterchange so that should help with the cooling as well.

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so your saying that the room heated it, was the room more than 28 deg when you got home? at 2am the room would have been cooled a little from the 10pm temp.

What sort of heater is it? I suspect that the heater is heating above the temp setting, try turning it down a degree & see how the temp is during the day. I have seen my tanks at 32 before on the hottest day but fortunately africans don't die easily.

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What makes you all so sure the room can't be that hot at 2am? Ours is :-?

Actually, the computer room is currently 28.3C and it does not drop much, if at all, overnight. That is the reason we have aircon in the bedroom!

Now, if I could just hide the remote so Grant doesn't turn it off complaining that 17C is too cold... :tears: :sick:

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The room was very hot, but since we basically came home and went off to bed we did not think to check how hot, but the last few days has been super hot and the heat seems to cling not letting go even if I open every door and window in my house. I don't know if its the sea air but the humidity is a killer too :-?

I am trying to cool my house now, everything open even the smallest little window, it seems to be working. Tank temp is sitting at 27.9 again :roll: but I have not yet done the waterchange, thought I would do it at four pm so that the tank is cooler for night time. I have checked both heaters and they are working 100% going off at 26 degrees. Its just the heat :o its a shocker, we need some rain and pronto :facepalm:

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Current outdoor temp south side of house in shade - 31C

Lounge 30.5C (I have been out so doors have been shut)

3 tanks in lounge;

4ft tropical with lights on but surrounded on all sides and top (except front) by solid wood unit - 26.5C

3ft platy tank with no lights on 29C

cold water tank - 29C

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Oh wow Caryl that is terrible. My tank temp is 28.4 again :o The fish seem ok, the otto's seem much more active for one or other reason, hope they are not going mad from the heat :-? Fan is still going, kids are upset that they are hot and the fan is being used for my fish :lol:

Gonna hang some washing then do the waterchange, it should bring the temps down again :wink:

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