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Photos of my fish and tank - THE END! :-)


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ok, so what your saying is that an led watt is stronger than a incandescent watt , correct me if im wrong , but that is how i understood it

Depends on the lumen/watt of the LED, and also the colour/wavelength peaks of the LED, even the lighting angle of the LED matters too really. I wanted to do LED lighting and my dad was thinking of starting a small business importing them, so I did some reading, but ended up ditching the idea when my dad ended up moving overseas instead :roll:.

High output LEDs should have a equal or higher lumen per watt than incandescent lights aside from that, the light is more focused so you don't need a reflectors, and you can pick specific coloured LEDs and choose only the plant beneficial wavelengths (or mix in a few whites to get a more natural colour). Normal LEDs, like the ones used for xmas lights are fairly dismal for plants though.

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  • 2 months later...

Well I had heaps of algae so I had a huge clean-out and did a 50% waterchange. I have a bit of cyanobacter alage so I'm keeping an eye on that.

I've decided to ditch the plants on getting a bigger tank with a T5HO lumenaire, because I am currently focusing on my ADA nano tank so all my funds are going towards that. However I could always sell my current lighting and get a Hagen Glo dual 39w T5HO ballast with reflectors and a couple of PowerGlos, it will be much better than what I've got now anyway and it would use less electricity and put out more light.

I'll take some photos shortly :)

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Oh I haven't got the tank yet, and I'm not actually getting an 'ADA' tank, it's just going to be ADA-style :D Although I'll probably get their nano hang-on-glass CO2 diffuser and the light. The tank and stand will be custom-made :) And for the filter equipment I'm using CAL Aqua glass pipes, and I'll try and get hold of an Eheim Classic 2211 filter.

Anyway, here's the current pics of my 150L;


Male Emperor Tetra


Female Mac


Cryptocoryne willisii


Super-healthy Windelov (currently my favourite plant in this tank)


Full-tank shot

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I've actually been neglecting my plants a bit. The only ones that are doing well are my Crypts, Windelov and moss because they don't need high light levels. But my H. polysperma 'Rosanervig' is half dead, and I chucked the last of my stargrass out yesterday because it was all black and alage infested, and my Ludwigia isn't doing too well either. I really need to change the light tubes because they are a couple of years old (not kidding) but I just can't afford it because I need to get this nano tank going so I can record the changes etc so I can have it ready for the school science fair next year. Cause if I do a good job of it I can win $1,000 and that will pay for about 1/3 of the big high-tech tank that I want.

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I have an Aqua One that is 6,700K I think... It said 'Sunlight' on the box anyway. I also have an Atman 8,000K and a Hagen AquaGlo. Personally I don't actually like the Sunlight bulb - it's to sharp. I really like the 8,000K with the AquaGlo. Also the 8,000K doesn't seem as sharp as the Sunlight bulb.

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  • 5 weeks later...

















I still haven't got round to getting new tubes. The Hagen ones are too expensive, and I hate Aqua One tubes. I think I'll get the shop to order me in a Philips Aquarelle and a Philips ADV850 Advantage, because a lot of people overseas seem to have a lot of success with those tubes and they're realitivly cheap.

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  • 2 months later...

Still haven't got round to getting new tubes :roll: I think I'lljust get a couple of cool daylight ones from Mitre 10 Mega because they're only $11.00 each :P I'm getting my breeding tank soon so I'll probably put it off even further :facepalm: :lol:

On Monday I was cleaning my tank and dropped one of the terracotta pots and cracked the tank. So I'm borrowing a 90x38x40cm from a local club member. The bits of glass I have won't sit on it properly because they are too small. The 100cm tank had bracing which made it possible, but this one doesn't so I've gone rimless :P



This is how I combat the dust that gathers and any surface scum that may form:



Cryptocoryne willisii


Cryptocoryne cordata (new leaf growing). This is one of my most favourite plants :)


Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig' (with Atman 8000K and Aqua Glo) Another favourite :P


Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig' (with Aqua Glo only)


Apistogramma macmasteri


Apistogramma trifasciata (last one :tears: Need male urgently)

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