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Photos of my fish and tank - THE END! :-)


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Hi all,

I know a few of you wanted to see my tank, so be prepared to vomit all over the keyboard of your computer...






Trigonopoma pauciperforata



Hyphessobrycon heliacus:


A random pic of my Cryptocoryne cordata:


Fish I currently have:

9x Trigonopoma pauciperforata

9x Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

4x Hyphessobrycon heliacus

Pair of Golden Black-eyed Ancistrus

I also have a lot of plants, but I won't name them all because it would take forever.

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Yeah :lol: It's the best tank in the whole world :roll: :lol: ..... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

It is just a holding setup at the moment. I want to set up a 300 liter breeding tank and mass breed some sort of really expensive fish that people would want to buy so I can afford a bigger tank with all sorts of fancy lighting, CO2, substrate etc.

I do however take pride in my fish. I got the Trigonopomas (my favourites at the moment) from Organism and they are one of the coolest little fish I have ever kept. :hail:

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I know! It has bunnies on it :happy2: I LOVE bunnies!!!!!! :happy1:

Can you see Sooty?



100x30x50cm - 150 liters

The lighting is T8:

1x Hagen AquaGlo - 18,000K

1x Aqua One Tropical - 15,000K

1x Aqua One Sunlight - 6,700K I think...

DIY CO2 with 2x 3 liter juice bottles, 3 teaspoons of yeast per bottle.


Eheim Classic 2213

Aqua One CF 1000 (currently not running. One of the taps is leaky)

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Sooty = her. She was a stray and adopted us and would not leave! (Despite the fact that mum and dad chucked dirt/water/citrinella oil at her :lol: )

The room was already like that when we bought the house.

I hate my room because it is on a lean and so there is more water on the right side of the tank than the left.

Oh I forgot to add my thermostat is a Fluval M series 200watt.

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who said something about the pots? :evil: :lol:

They are perfectly acceptable in this case. Plus your crypts are healthy! :D

Where are those swords I sent you Joe?

I'm sending Adrienne one and its grown faster than I expected because of my new ferts :lol: so will be ready in the new year.

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I took these yesterday afternoon :D



Getting some afternoon sun...


Hyphessobrycon heliacus. Behined is some pearling Crypt. balansae and P44's swordplant


My CO2 Setup


P44 I'll post a pic of the tank shortly with the swords circled so you know where they are :wink:

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The photos aren't very good of the swordplants. They look tiny but in reality they are quite large. The one next to the H. polysperma 'Rosanervig' is growing very well at the moment. Some of the leaves on it are a good 15cm.

Also remember, I don't have fancy ferts, lighting and cameras like you :wink:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Photos taken today :D

Full-tank shot



Cryptocoryne cordata


Cryptocoryne affinis


Crptocoryne willisii


Phoenix44's swordplant - Echinodorus 'Red Rose' x Ozelot


Male Golden Black-eyed Ancistrus


List of plants I currently have:

Bolbitis heudelotii

Cryptocoryne affinis

Cryptocoryne cordata

Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae

Cryptocoryne willisii

Echinodorus ‘Red Rose’ x Ozelot

Heteranthera zosterifolia

Hydrocotyle verticillata

Hygrophila polysperma ‘Rosanervig’

Limnophila sessiliflora

Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’

Microsorum pteropus ‘Narrow Leaf’

Microsorum pteropus ‘Windelov’

Riccia fluitans

Saggitaria microfolia

Saggitaria subdulata

Vesicularia montagnei

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Yeah I know! I think it's the low lighting and liquid fertilization. I looks WAY coller in your tank though :hail: I REALLY want a tank like yours phoenix :hail: Although instead of Cardinals I'd have Hemigrammopetersius caudalis (these are one of my most favouite fish. I love the beautiful purple iridescent huge on the males. And they have lovely fins and a nice body shape).

Oh and I forgot a plant on my plant list - Ludwigia repens. I just added it to the tank a couple of days ago from the emersed plant I am growing.

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  • 2 months later...

Jeepers! It's about time I updated this thread :o

Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi - sold.

Bristlenoses - died :(

I still have my Trigonopoma pauciperforatus. I lost one Hyphessobrycon heliacus, but still have the other three. I now have four Emperor Tetras, Nematobrycon palmeri, and a trio (one male, two females) of Apistogramma macmasteri which I hope to breed. Also I have some sort of Potomogeton species that I got from a creek, and it is doing really well. I went down to a park yesterday and got some more Willow Moss because I lost mine when I had a black beard alage outbreak. My plants are doing extremely well, and I have a few people wanting Crypts from me so I need to remeber to send those :) Phoenix44's swordplant (Echinodorus 'Red Rose' x Ozelot) is doing extremely well. I sold the smaller one and a pup that it had, so I just have the one now. And I'm really happy with the growth of my Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' and Vesicularia montagnei. My florescent tubes are quite old though so I need to buy some new ones shortly.


Full-tank shot


Cryptocoryne cordata


P44's swordplant


Male Apistogramma macmasteri

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