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The beast that is a clown knife fish....


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I never realised the eating capabilities of a knife fish.

My old one was the one wit a broken jaw, it ate small pellets and struggled to swallow bigger food.

My high spot one, introd into the tank, getting along - has not over taken its growth and still growing

the last few days has demonstrated its capabilities of eating.

It would swallow multiple large pellets in one gulp.

and today, a record 5 massivores IN ONE GULP!! and didnt spit it out or chew, just straight swallow!

dropped the massivores in a neat pile of 5, then it sucks the water underneath it, lightning speed, all inside its belly 8)

oh yes..... :bounce:

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one of the main things i like about keeping fish is not just the monstrous sizes.... sure 99% of my fish eventually get large to monstrous.

but its the way they hunt and eat.

i jsutposted a topic of a vid i saw, silver aro eating duck, i didnt know it would strike such a chord.

but.... i am fascinated that instinctively, arowanas know how to drown their food.

clown loaches, how they eat.... looks like they are not eating but really their bellies are getting fatter and fatter

dats... how they swallow food far away from their mouth by sucking in water.

ornates and bichirs, deathrolling to rip pieces of meat.

oscar and cichlids, how it hordes food in its mouth and hides before swallowing.


really fascinates me.

this clown swallowed 5 panadol sized pellets, with no p roblems... i can only imagine when its 40 to 50 cms long plus.


disturbing lol i guess i could be seen as that

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You know - I wasnt meant to offend ay.

i put it there to showcase the arowanas ability to consume live food.

if i was to say, that i find it against my DNA to see fish eat pelleted food and dead food as it is not natural...

what that sort of conversation be removed too?

As i said to a mod who removed it.

If i was to describe the video by words.... would that be ok?

some would say that words are more descriptive than films.

i find this crazy and insane that such a video cannot be put on.

anyway, im gonna get over it now.....

i jsut wanted to vent.

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Dunno if you'd find this interesting, but I saw heaps of clown knife fish fillets for sale in a vietnam food market :D

As well as various species of gouramis etc. didn't get a picture of the clowns though

Its so strange to see fish we keep in the aquarium to be in markets IMO

but my parents seem to buy these pacu looking fish sometimes... >.>

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yeah, the price of fish in south east asia or asia is extremely cheap.

youc an get borneo tigers for a few bux.

silvers are 2 to 5 dollars nzd.

any fish is cheap there, only a hand full are expensive, like asian aros are always gonna carry a high price, some discus, flowerhorns can to.

but nothing likt it is here.

pangasius sutchi catfish i ate some in south africa, they farm it for food.... not very nice to eat, plain no flavour but in asia its kept for food AND aquarium. '

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