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Pond as a christmas pressie or not


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Well hubby was on me about what I want for Christmas. And I only want one thing and its a big pleco, since he won't get a bigger tank I suggested an outside pond. Do you get nice big pleco's for coldwater, I think I read that one of the common plecs can adjust to cold water. I live in Beachlands so it gets cold but not very cold like it used to in Taupo. What would I need in size if I wanted a plec. I had a look through the cold water forums and only found stuff on goldfish. Any advice would be greatly appreciated :wink:

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I don't think any plecs are suited to coldwater, although they might adapt to it. You could get a pond heater?

I thought that much :( One day I will have a huge tank full of all kinds of pleco's I just know it :wink: Guess I will have to think of another Christmas pressy now :P

Heating a pond would cost a fortune haha. And its not like in a tank where you can have a nice look at it!

Maybe get an equipment upgrade or some new plecs?

Yip it would take a lot of heaters or one super duper one that will just drain all the power from Aucks :lol:

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LOL you guys all have me in stitches here laughing at all your comments. Must show hubby how you guys calculated that a nice 8 foot tank would work out cheaper in the end. :wink: A fish shed sounds realy nice too, gosh I wish I could have a fish room and then put on some scuba gear and have a swim with my fish :P I just love the aquarium hobby so much. I guess I will put my thinking cap on for something else for Christmas now :wink:

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If he really loved you he would buy you the large tank you want :wink:

Hahahaha he really loves me. He would have bought me a zebra pleco but then he would have had to buy a whole new tank, cause everybody said my tank was not compatable with such an expensive fish. We live in a small 2 bedroom "bach" (spelling might be wrong) so my biggest problem is a space for the tank, my Vista is standing where the previous owners piano stood. The only free spot in the house :wink:

Photo's of our "bach", also our first house :P




Very small but cosy, Huge yard, quarter acre so more than enough space for a pond :wink:

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Feel free to buy me a tank and fish, then you can come and visit it for water changes and such :lol:

Its too far to go and visit my beloved plecs. I would like to just sit and stare at the tank as well, we would have to install a webcam of some sorts, its just too complicated, but thanks for the offer :wink:

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Unfortuanatly my son has dibs on that for a sleep out once he is a teenager. :roll:

How long until he is a teenager, you could line it out and make it nice and cosy for the fish, oops... I mean him, until he shifts in :wink:

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How long until he is a teenager, you could line it out and make it nice and cosy for the fish, oops... I mean him, until he shifts in :wink:

He is 11 now, trying to convince me he is allready a teen, but I put my foot down and said when he is 14 so still a while to go :wink:

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