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Panda cory eggs - hatching! oops....


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I thought I'd better strip this out of my other thread as it's way off topic.

I've got these eggs in my community tank.


They've been there since this morning (big cold water change last night triggered it I guess) and now I have no idea what to do to make sure they don't get eaten / sucked into filters if they spawn etc.

What should I do? fry trap? breeding net? separate tank?

I have a 30L with some other pandas from BabyRuby that are currently growing. I can move the growing pandas into the community tank and use the 30L as a fry tank but what do I do once / if I can move the eggs?

What I'd like to do is leave them where they are and be able to catch them as they hatch but I'm at work during the day and don't have the time to sit and watch for them to be able to catch them. Is there an easy way to do this? This is the first time anything has spawned for me so I'm pretty excited and freaked out at the same time.

Doesn't help that my apisto pair have also got a cave full of eggs that the female is guarding like crazy too, at least they tend to know how to look after their own.

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Id recommend removing them and putting them into a small trap with an air-stone until they hatch (within the original tank)

so go and get a netting based trap from HFF or similar or use something else? in the other thread a tumbler was suggested but I like the idea of them staying in the same tank with optimal water flow.

I figure I've got 2 more days until they 'hatch' so I'll try to sort it today.

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You don't need water flow, just aeration and maybe a touch of meth blue. Put them in a floating plastic container with an airstone.

would wunder tonic work as a replacement for meth blue? It contains it but also has 3 other meds in it. i can get meth blue if required but I already have the tonic.

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Might be best to just use clean water. I have a few in clean water at the moment. All it does is stop any fungus on infertile eggs spreading to fertile eggs. They should be alright without it. If that doesn't work try meth blue when they go again in less than a week if you give them a cold water change at night. Tonic has a raft of ingredients and is probably alright but I have not used it.You can use meth blue, or meth blue/malachite, or meth blue/malachite green/acriflavine, but it has quinine as well and that is more antiparasitic.

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Just been back for another look. It seems the air stone is moving a lot of water around and hte eggs aren't stuck to the trap at all - they're rolling around a bit too. Bad idea? turn the air down? get out the super glue? it's all good no need to worry? get off the internets and go feed the fish? ok.

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I don't think there are any fish big enough to do that in the tank. I'll keep it in mind though.

So I've been watching over my 12 little eggs for a few days now and then I had another look at about 11am today and now there are 8. No sign of the others - no movement of breeding trap etc. What the? I decided to watch them for a bit to see what was happening. One started shaking then a little leaf like thing stuck out the side of it. It's a tail. awesome!

So I go to do some work then come back at 2pm and there's now 6 eggs left and so sign of anything else in the trap. I do note that there's a fry in the trap without his egg - sweet! Next thing I see is the fry swim through one of the holes in the bottom of the trap and one of the black neons in the tank goes straight for him and he's lunch. Doh! I assume that's where the rest of the fry have gone.

So, I've now got 5 eggs/wrigglers left and I've put the trap into a tupperware container so if they fall/swim through the bottom they're still caught in their own sealed mini tank. I'll be clearing out the grow out tank and putting the fry in there this afternoon after they've all hatched.

So good news and bad news but at least I got them through to fry which I didn't even think I could achieve a week ago.

Thanks all for your help. Alan told me so about the holes in the bottom :oops:

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Hate to say I told you so. I learned the same way. At least you have fertile eggs so should get it right next time. They love a cold shower.

Yep, they'll be getting their cold shower tonight. The worst part is watching him force himself through the gap and then 3 seconds later be gone.

I've just put the other 10 pandas in the tank from the grow out tank so water change frequencies are going to daily for a little while until the nitrate levels settle again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I've managed to grow out 4 healthy little pandas. The last one is just getting his tail spot now and then they'll be going in the community tank. The last week or so has seen some amazing growth - it was like they were just a ball with a tail for weeks but now they're fully functioning pandas. Stoked for my first try with saving the eggs.

They will replace the 1 panda that died in the community tank a few weeks ago - haven't figured out how/why that happened still and the rest are super healthy so I guess I'll never know. Still - new pandas!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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