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Well guys I got into this hobby 8 months ago not knowing nothing my wife and i thought lets get a fish tank for our daughter so we went into pet stop talk to the shop assistant told him want a little tropical tank for our 2 year old so after talking we got the 20 litre blue planet tank then he said get some harlequins and Neons so we got those two types of fish and guess what he said we needed a algae so they sold us a pleco with a 20 litre tank when a pleco grows 60 cm + long now they get real huge. I ring Hollywood and I said had a Pleco in my 60 litre tank they said oh that's to big for your tank because they produce lots of waste which i notice when I gravel clean both tanks. I ring bird barn yesterday and they said yes bring your pleco in and we will swap or give you credit so I got to bird barn and they put the pleco in a nice big tank and he was happy as can be . I made my way to Hollywood Mt Roskill and ask the great staff for a bristle nose instead the yellow one.

You know what everyone I wish I knew about Hollywood fish farm when I started this hobby would of save me so much bother in the beginning so I only go to them for help and this federation web site.

I would like to thank the guys at Hollywood Mt Roskill and Albany and also this great web site for helping me when I need it as I still learning about the hobby and there will be always something to learn. :D:D:D

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