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Dwarf Rams vs Dwarf Gourami


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Hi all, I just re-did my tank in an Iwagumi-type of setup. I have three rocks that aren't exactly in the 'correct' formation so not really an Iwagumi, just a tank with three rocks and Dwarf Hair Grass.

I was going to stock it with a group of 20-35 Ember Tetras but then I thought that would be a bit boring. So, I like Dwarf Gouramis and Bolivian Rams. I have some combinations below:

3 B. Rams + 24 Ember Tetras

2 B.Rams + 27 Ember Tetras

1 B.Ram + 32 Ember Tetras

3 D. Gourami + 26 Ember Tetras

5 D. Gourami + 20 Ember Tetras

Which one would you guys suggest?

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Sorry, I forgot about the dimensions. Its a 2ft long by 1ft wide and 1ft high, around 80-75L I think.

Not to sound sadistic, but I dont mind if the tetras eat the fry.

Thanks for the thing about 3 rams, I didn't realise two could pair off and kill the other one :(

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I'm thinking maybe too many fish for a two ft tank? Bolivians are 6-7 cm long sometimes & I've had a male who was near 10 cm from memory and they like a bit of space. Maybe do the embers, but not Bolivians. Have never kept d. gouramis, so can't speak about them, but if I were you I'd go the 3 D. Gourami + 26 Ember Tetras option. Although, that even sounds like a lot of fish for a two ft imho.

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Hmm, so dwarf gouramis seem to be the popular choice. Then 3 gouramis and x amount of tetras it is :)

Yes, I think they are called sunset/honey/dwarf gourami, I like the pretty orange colours :D

I have seen the mosquito rasbora but they grow to 3.5cm whereas the ember tetra only grows to 2-2.5cm. They say its the little things that count ;)

Thanks for all the help guys. Now I have to wait for it to finish cycling :roll:

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