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stocking an ar126


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Just setting up a small nano tank, likely to plant it properly (liquid ferts, possible excel carbon) but I need to know what to put in it, both plants and fish. So far I have some dwarf swords at the front, some vallis at the back in a corner and an anubias attached to some wood, sand substrate and one female fighter thats going in once its running properly. Its an ar126, so about 20 odd litres with reasonable lighting. Any ideas of other plants I could/should put in, and other inhabitants? Would prefer either a small dither fish school (I know its never going to be a large school) or some bottom dwelling guys to help with anything the fighter misses and or to keep snails down to a minimum (just knowing they'll get in there eventually)

maybe photos when it clears up... we'll see

Thanks, Isaac

I realise its near impossible, but maybe some dwarf cichlids or loaches that may work? Even as a growing up tank for the short term...

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Smaller fish help will to make the tank look bigger. Ember tetras are nice and I have seen Dwarf Lemon Barbs earlier this year which were very pretty. Those two dont get very big and you could have a nice group of them. I also believe that smaller fish have less of a bioload and that would make it easier to maintain the tank.

Pygmy corydoras would make a good bottom feeder.

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Would I be pushing it with red phantom tetras? Heard that they don't need many to form a 'school' - cant remember where from though :-?

Ok, I was thinking maybe 3 or so chain loaches or about the same number in khulis (I've never noticed pygmy corys in chch, unless people know where to look?)

Will look at ember tetras too, will they do better with more open spaces or heavily planted?

What ever you do don't put guppies in there. My 126 had 4 and now has about 4 million.

Actually, I had just been contemplating guppies, might avoid it now though :D

What do people think of 3 chain or khuli loaches, 5 or so ember tetras and maybe an otto/ baby bristlenose, as well as the female fighter?

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Thought I'd replied on this one but my post has vanished - apologies for any other threads with a completly random post from me :oops:

Would have put my male betta in there but I'm wanting to keep the female happy and comfortable in the tank being the dominant fish, otherwise I fully agree about the tank being near perfect for male fighters :D

As for Brennos, what do you mean?

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What do people think of 3 chain or khuli loaches, 5 or so ember tetras and maybe an otto/ baby bristlenose, as well as the female fighter?

khulis would be better than chains in a small tank but with only 3 you may never see them. maybe give the loaches a miss; the other fish will give you plenty of action in a tank that small. an otto is probably a good bet unless they need to be in a group?

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Managed to get two chains quite cheap so they're in there for a bit, will add a third soonish but maybe just keep the three loaches and the female betta for a bit - my male bristle nose in the community tank is guarding a cave in the drift wood so if its eggs and any survive the 15 odd loaches in there (not to mention everything else), i'll do a swap and use this tank as a small grow out tank where in theory the mortality rate will be lower... unfortunately I don't have anything bigger to use/have no space for anything bigger either, anyone know what size they have to be to start selling them with out a move killing them?

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