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Hi from chch


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Hi, new to the forum but have been keeping tropical fish for a few years now. Found out about this site through uni. Currently have one planted community juwel Rio 240 with the old t8s running a jager 200w heater, an ehiem 2215, and airstone with black sand. Have a very mixed lot of fish, 1 delta tail siamese fighter, 3 pearl gourami, one each of the opaline and golden gourami, 6 angel fish, 4 hoplo cat fish, 7 bristlenoses, 2 common whiptails, a red tail shark, 3 siamese algae eaters, 2 dwarf flag cichlids (actually bought off dennisisawesome via trademe) 10 or so white clouds and neons each. oh and loaches, 10 chains, 3 angelicus' and one kuhli with one harlequin rasbora bringing up the end. may have forgotten something but oh well. Let me know what you guys think, any ideas, good places for fish (being a poor student and all that), what I'm doing wrong etc. :wink:

here's a few pics






Oh, Any ideas if this one is an egg carrying female or just fat?

Anyway, thats about it,

Cheers, Isaac

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Hi and welcome.

There are a few things I would be worried about in your tank.. Red tailed sharks can be quite aggressive and generally aren't suitable for a peaceful community tank long term. Your angels are likely to eat all your schooling fish like your neons and WCMM as they get bigger too.

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Welcome. As Alan said, join Totally Tanked and you are sure to hear of great bargains.

I suggest you clean the glass before taking pics :wink: :lol:

I also thought people said you should not put Siamese fighters with gouramis.

Usually I hate all man-made decorations like sunken ships, Easter Island heads, bridges, etc bit for some reason I like the crashed planes :-?

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I suggest you clean the glass before taking pics :wink: :lol:

I also thought people said you should not put Siamese fighters with gouramis.

Yeah, i realised I should have after uploading all the photos, by which point I couldn't be bothered starting all over again. next time maybe..

And as for the fighter, actually haven't had a problem at all with the gourami, completely chilled out and even the angels have been fine. Having said that, its a four foot tank with heaps of plant cover so they all have their own places to relax I guess. I'll keep an eye out like usual though, seeing he's my favourite (excluding the loaches) and the aim is to have everything living together in peace :D I've got a smaller tank with a female fighter (and dividers) in if he did need somewhere to go too.

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Yeah, I hate them too, but the plane looks quite cool in that underwater jungle! :)

Mm, even I agree for the most part, I had to centre the tank around this one to make it look like it fit somewhat but very worth it. My girlfriend got it for me along with the angelicus loaches, one of the best surprises ever. :D

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ha, yeah, this is my way of distracting myself...

is that yours in your profile? I have to try to get a better pic of mine, the camera struggles to focus on the black is the hardest part unfortunately. When are your exams? I've got my second (for this lot of exams) tomorrow. :cry:

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Thats sucks. which exam is that for? mine are all spaced out a week apart from each other :D

This one is Stephs but he killed one of her guppies so I've been looking after him ever since. I get to breed him!!

yeah its almost impossible to take a good picture of fish

goodluck in your exam

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sounds like a beast! glad Im not doing that one

I'm gonna wait untill my babies have grown up and breed one with him.

woah, that would have been a cool mix! I wonder what the result would be

Guess we'll never know, unless anyone here knows a few ways to make them more interested in each other? She likes him, just he wouldn't build a nest for her, she even dropped her eggs in front of him. Very annoying...

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