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Geophagus Tapajos 'orange head'


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Does anyone happen to know if these are available in NZ? Am really thinking about making these guys the main feature in my new tank along with my Royal pl*co.

Any compatibility issues with Royal Pl*co and geos? I used to keep geophagus altifrons with a leopard cactus pl*co (L114), but they out competed him for food, so they had to be sold on. My Royal is mostly a zucchini fiend and a little trouble maker so i don't think this is going to be a problem, but would like to get some feedback from anyone with experience.

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Tapajos arent available, i dont even think theyve ever been here.

which is a shame as they are a geo that doesnt get huge.

I don't think any of the geos get huge. They're a nice midsized fish. Tapajos are relatively small from what I can see, wish we could get them though, they seem to be very nice looking fish. Like a little brightly colored surinamensis.

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I haven't had geos for a long time but I do have a couple of royals, one quite large. They are both food hogs but if you put the food down in more than one area of the tank it doesn't seem to be a problem. The main scuffles are with my big goldie pleco and my large royal but they pretty much leave the others alone.

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Hmm, so it looks like the Tapajos aren't available so far, will have to give HFF a rev up and see if they can source, mind you the cost would probably be prohibitive, but you never know until you try!

My Royal has tons of driftwood available - the mango root is his favourite chewing wood. Along with zuchini he also gets a variety of other veg and a couple of Wardley spirulina disks every day, the Hikari one's have fish meal in them so they're not too good for Royals.

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Hmm, so it looks like the Tapajos aren't available so far, will have to give HFF a rev up and see if they can source, mind you the cost would probably be prohibitive, but you never know until you try!

Hollywood have already had one customer nagging them about them, if they could get them they would have already done so long ago.....

There are two problems; A; they aren't on the list and B; they aren't actually a described species (just an unclassified Geophagus Sp.) so I'm not even sure its possible to get them added to the list until they have been described.

All we can do is hope someone imports them under the name "surinamensis", which wouldn't be entirely untrue given that 15 years ago when that name was added to the list it was used to cover pretty much every Geophagus that wasn't a brasiliensis or jurupari....

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