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Mosquito Larvae 2010


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Summer's almost here, that means mozzies will be laying soon. Already got my bucket out with some driftwood and algae covered plants in it.

Keen to hear how everyone else will be collecting larvae or any other live food for their fish over summer.

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:o I have never ever thought of this before! :lol:

We have a disgusting old... square concrete tank sorta thing outside with filthy water thats never been cleaned. Would most likely have mossy larvae in there... Would that be okay? Or should I atleast change the water? What should I look out for etc etc?

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I wasn't aware of it either until near the end of last Summer, when they'd almost all gone. Being a fish keeper, I had various buckets and cups lying around outside that had filled with rain water. Someone (Nick maybe?) brought up the topic so I checked for mozzie larvae. They seemed to like the algae infested buckets the best and fighters go nuts over the larvae.

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I have a 20 somthing litre paint pail in the garden that has Daphnia swimming around in it at the moment, it has ginger algae on the sides which they seem to graze.

I also have another container that has greenwater in it, but no bugs :(

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Probably your Mum killing them off when you are not looking!

She wouldn't dare touch my fish stuff, would she? :o

lol just remember how much your neighbours will like it if you start growing mossies to go and bite them :)

I try to harvest them before they morph :wink:

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Oh wow, even during Winter? I've had that bucket out for ages, nothing yet. I thought there'd only be larvae when there are mozzies.

Mozzies make it through the winter in hibernation as larvae.. I used to have them in Denmark outside on my balcony and they would even survive being stuck in the top layer of ice in the bucket.

During summer if you want to prevent them from hatching into mosquitos then gather them while they are larvae and keep them in a jug in the fridge (For those who live with parents ask them first as they do not always like this! :D (personal experience)) It's important for them to have open surface area so they can still breathe at the surface.

Mozzies ,like all insects, are cold blooded and their metabolism will slow down to almost nothing and they will then keep in the fridge for a very long time.

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