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Watch out Auckland we are coming back :)


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I tried killies had some austrae golds and gardini blues and they didn't work out for me, must have done something wrong? Might give them another go one day, maybe a visit to the god father of killies in NZ would inspire me?

dont know about him but your welcome to my place

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YAY :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

If its any help I could probably hold or babysit tanks for you - with or without fishes. It would mean me clearing up the shed but its quite big - could probably get at least 6 X 4 - 5 ft tanks in side by side - however I don't know anything about cichlids :roll:

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I can’t think of any good reason to move to Auckland either apart from promotion, job security, better living conditions, more money, more activities and opportunities for the kids, better shops to spend money in, warmer climate.....

I am losing this battle so its simpler to say we are really gunna miss you guys. :cry:

Probably just about as important is we are losing 2/3rds of our local execs. You will both have to keep coming for the meetings though eh.

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Be sure to take him to that great Thai place. I can't stop thinking about it... may have to get a plane ride up there just for that :o oh, and for Yum Cha with Wok as well. 8)

This thread is making me hungry... whats the name of the great thai place and where?

mmmm thai food :P

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I can’t think of any good reason to move to Auckland either apart from promotion, job security, better living conditions, more money, more activities and opportunities for the kids, better shops to spend money in, warmer climate.....

I am losing this battle so its simpler to say we are really gunna miss you guys. :cry:

Probably just about as important is we are losing 2/3rds of our local execs. You will both have to keep coming for the meetings though eh.

Yeah you pretty much sum it up, are you moving up too? lol

I will still remain a member and help out with the club wherever I can, a bit gutted to be president then have to bail but that's life sometimes I am sure someone awesome will step up and carry on now the club is up and running.

Yeah heaps of offers for tanks its awesome :) Diver21 lives in Hobby and has offered me alot of tank space which hopefully should even be enough to house the fish I want to keep (obviously I am not going to keep all 45 tanks worth of fish).. Will just need to bring a few bigger tanks with me and then should be sorted. I will keep all the other offers in mind in case I need them, thanks silverwolf and Adrienne.

Barrie I think I will have to visit at some stage, same with you Adrienne although I have met you in passing it would be good to see your fish and setup :)

lol can anyone help with poly freezer panels? Surely someone knows someone with a pile of them sitting overgrown at the back of the section they would love to get rid of in exchange for some $$ or some beer..

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