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Suspect water conditions? But everything tests okay?


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I'm not sure if anyone can help me out here but I have a strange problem with my fish ever since we moved house....

In the old house on the other side of Auckland I filled the tank from the tap and added the standard product to remove the chlorine, I also did fortnightly 1/4 water changes and my fish were happy as larry.... Guppies breeding like flies and even had some baby dwarf gouramis appear the day before we moved house.

Now this is over a year ago now and we have since moved out west into our own place. And since then my tanks just haven't been up to scratch, I've had a fish dying every other week and no babies from anything.... My guppies have actually died out, can you imagine that!

Regular testing shows my PH is is 8.0 for my cichlids and 6.5 for the tropical tank. 0 nitrates and nitrites.... 0 ammonia.... Temp is 26.5 steady... I also fill the tank from a counter top filter in the kitchen hoping this would be better quality water than out of the tap.

In setting up my new cichlid tank a few months ago I have noticed one thing.... If something dies, or even if I drop a piece of cucumber in there within a matter of hours it's coated in a cotton wool type growth... Just shocked me how quickly it appears and was wondering if this might be something I should suspect....

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated...


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Ro DI water might be another option. Rain water would be the easiest, but not so much in summer. Where abouts out west are you? Surely there are other locals who use the same water as you on this forum, maybe some one who is local could shed some light and see if they have had any problems..

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If you live out west you are probably getting your water from the resevoirs in the waitakeries.. that and the Hunuas is some of the best water in auckland. Not like me who has to drink from the Waikato.. bvaddrr. nah it's ok actually gets treated very well..

So IMO I don't think it's the water quality that is the issue here.. But I can see the frustration.. so you are doing everything exactly the same as in your other house? (filters, substrate, food etc...) How did the shift go? did you try to keep your filter bacteria alive during the move or did you clean everything and cycled the tank from scratch or?

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Living in Avondale so if anyone close by has any comments on water quality?

I emptied most of the water but kept all the filter media during the move. However for my big tank I have started completely from scratch with a brand new external filter with new media, gravel, decorations etc.... Did keep the noodles from the old filter though. Has been running for about 6-8 weeks now and everything looks good except for the fact that quite a few fish I put in there have died off...

As far as I can tell I'm doing everything the same as I did at the old place.

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