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New planted tank. Ideas?


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I LOVE YOUR TANK!!! The ferns and moss look great. Although I think you should ditch the guppies, platies and neons (they look tacky) and add a large shoal of Congo Tetras. They would look epic. Or you could add a REALLY LARGE shoal of Rasbora agilis...

Yes the fish are only live food for other fish and temporary. I want a big shoal of rummy nose :D when i have the money

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20 - 30 hopefully and all the other fish will eventually go except the BN that keep the tank spotless.

I like bristlenoses. They are cool. I have three of the golden ones. I got them when they were really little, and they are HUGE now! (about 8-10cm for the males, and about 7cm for the female)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok ok. i will take some photos tonight.

I fished out as many guppy as i could yesterday as they were getting everywhere and I'm getting annoyed with them. resulting in some of the plants at the back being pulled put. Only the ambulia has grown over the top of the log.

To be honest, I haven't paid much attention to this tank since I have planted it. Ive left it be in hope it will be fully grown when i actually look at it properly lol :roll: (I'm too impatient)

Ive got clay balls under just about everything but I am still failing in the lighting department because of lack of funds.

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Probably none. :lol:

Most predatory fish are fast and good at hiding. Others will likely rearrange the tank to suit their linking.

Just use 2 nets and catch as many guppies as you like.

I don't want to have to ruin the tank.

I have been using 2 nets but not very successful. i ended up removing the tetras because they kept getting in the nets when i didn't want to catch them.. And all the removed fish have been put into my frontosa tank :lol: the tetras school around in there just fine and seem to be too quick for the bigger cichlids.

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