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Community Tank ideas.....


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I am getting a (90L plus) tank, so i can keep some community fish..

And that is where my genius idea ends...

It needs to be low- maintenance... but cool!?

I would like a couple of guppies, I couldn't have any in my other tank, because of my fighter..

What other fish?

Also, plants? Cool Substrate?

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You could get some Tetras + Cories + some Feature fish.

+ Lots of driftwood and a large amazon sword Or cabomba and sand substrate.

Or guppies (eww) + some small loaches + some gouramis.

Put some Vall (if you're badass enough to break the law) or a tiger lotus in there + Dark substrate + Root-like wood.

Just some Ideas.

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For ideas have a look at previous posts through the freshwater section and plants section on this forum. You will also find links to other sites with lovely aquariums.

What sort of filter are you going to run on the tank and what sort of lights do you have. You will need a filter that at a minimum turns the 90 litres (approx) over at least 4 times an hour. If it was me I would go for an external cannister filter and because I like plenty of turnover I would probably use a 1000lph cannister. My suggestion would be to go for a non sand substrate as sand can go up the filter intakes if stirred up on cannister filters and sand can harbour nasty bacteria if not kept well aerated. You can get nice looking fine gravel substrates.

Depending on how you want the plants to grow you can put down a fertiliser type substrate under the gravel or you could use fertiliser balls (for plants like swords) and liquid fertilisers. Lighting also plays a big part in the growing of plants. For your first efforts at a tank with plants the easier plants to grow are things like java fern, mosses, cabomba, indian fern.

Guppies, platys, mollys, swordtails are fairly easy to keep and will happy breed for you if you have males and females of each. You could then sell the resulting fry which would bring you in a small return to help with the costs. Its a good idea to have a few fish that are bottom dwellers as well to clean the bottom of the tank i.e. bn, corys and the bn will also nibble at the algae which is bound to grow.

Have a search through the forums and if you have any questions ask away. There are plenty of people on here willing to share experiences and ideas with you.

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Thats not very sensible, is it?

Straight val is not allowed in Auckland, in fact I think it may not be allowed anywhere, however twisted val is.

How obvious is this Val-ban?

I would never have heard of it if people here weren't discussing it.

and I know this guy, who knows this guy, who knows this guys cousin... Who's LFS has a display tank with straight vall in it.

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By 'cool' I assume you mean 'good looking' not a lower temperature? 8)

Everyone will have a different idea and the suggestions could be endless.

What sort of fish do you like? Lots of small ones or slightly larger fish? You are limited a bit by tank size of course.

Once you have chosen the fish you like, where do they originate? Look up what plants would be found in their natural habitat and set up a biotope for their region.

Remember a couple of guppies, unless they are both male, will turn in to LOTS of guppies fairly quickly.

Most "community fish" go with guppies but watch out for those with a rep for nibbling as they will like the guppy tails.

I like cherry barbs and rummy noses. Both would be fine with guppies. A larger group of one species will look much better than a few of this and a few of that species.

I once saw a tank of discus (6ft I think - the tank, not the discus) with the whole back half planted, end to end, in straight val. It looked stunning! The straight lines of the val were a lovely counterpoint to the round shape of the discus.

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what is footprint of tank?

Barbs would want 'long' rather than 'square'.

What's you Budget- you could get bottom dwellers like BN's /cory for a few bucks up to a fancy plec.

If you like the guppies,then go live bearers-guppies, platies, swordtails- heaps of varieties and asstd colours available.

Such a simple set up that does look cool with a few plants wood etc.

I think something like Cabomba would be beter than Val antawy for the live beares as it would encourage them down the water column.

Sign of the times when "twisted' is OK and 'Straight' is frowned upon. :wink:

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By 'cool' I assume you mean 'good looking' not a lower temperature? 8)

Yeah, it will be a tropical tank. :)

Sign of the times when "twisted' is OK and 'Straight' is frowned upon. :wink:


I think I like the idea of a female fighter.. or two? Can you keep them together??

With some guppies and a few barbs??

Oh, and I would like to put my GAE in there.. (If I don't get rid of them..)

I think the tank i am saving for is about 250L,( I was a bit off with my 90L plus guess)

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Anything I need to know about planted aquariums?? I am planning on getting the tank next weekend! Exciting!! (Although a lot of baby sitting is going to follow..)

Look at the plant section of this forum for lots of good info.

Babysitting - you can be proud that you are the absolute owner of your tank. :D

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My 4ftr currently has 3 females and 1 male fighter. Male is now very placid. Not agressive, and he's a pink PK so he looks like the females :wink:

It was 4 females but ones in a breeding tank now 8) No problems with the 4 females. One female was a real cow but after her and the boyf spawned last week they have both been super placid

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Aw!!! Dad says I can't buy the big tank I wanted. He wants me to 'save' my money. I'm still going to get another tank, but probably a lot smaller.... I'm looking on trade-me.

Is it even worth it to get a 50-60L tank??

I will probably only get a couple of guppies now. I might try breed my own special.................What's that word!?

Anyway, any ideas for a smaller tank??

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I found one that dad approves the price of! Only 54L,(60cm 30cm 30cm)

It is second hand, and comes with everything. Hopefully, everything will will work .. but even if the heater etc. doesn't work, it is cheap enough that I will still be able to buy another!

I am thinking a few plants on one side, that start tall, then some smaller ones, so it looks as if it is sort-of sloping downwards to the middle. Then a piece of driftwood or a nice pretty rock/stone on the other side? Oh, and I want like that sandy sort-of substrate.

What do you think??

So, where is the best place to buy snail free plants???


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